出版年 | 標題 | 作者 | 系所 |
2020 | 塑膠微粒的風險認知:以臺灣大學生及研究生為例 Risk Perception on Microplastics: The Case Study of University Students in Taiwan | Hsiao-Hsuan Hsu; 許小璿 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2020 | 大鼠尿液中食品加工衍生含氮危害物之極致液相層析串聯質譜分析方法開發 Development of a UPLC-MS/MS method to quantitate process-induced nitrogen hazards in SD rat urine samples | Yi-Chen Sun; 孫一誠 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2020 | 影響高溫加熱處理食品中丙烯醯胺形成與風險之研究 Study on the formation and health risk of acrylamide in high temperature processed foods | Jia-Ru Lin; 林佳儒 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2019 | 探討4-甲基咪唑對皮膚老化作用及其分子機制 Effects and Molecular Mechanisms of 4-methylimidazole on Skin Aging | Yu-Ting Hsiao; 蕭佑亭 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2022 | 探討T3噬菌體與宿主菌在不同水溶液樣本中的交互作用 Investigating the interaction between T3 phage and target bacteria in different aqueous food samples | Kuan-Ye Lin; 林冠毅 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2021 | 探討暴露苯並芘加速秀麗隱桿線蟲老化之毒性效應及調控機制 Evaluation of toxic effects of benzo[a]pyrene on aging process and the underlying mechanism in Caenorhabditis elegans | Ko-Chun Cheng; 鄭可君 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2023 | 日本福島核災事件後食品輻射風險比較分析之研究 Comparative analysis of food radiation risk after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident | 馮騏偉; Chi-Wei Feng | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2023 | 氣候變遷下透過飲食暴露於黃麴毒素引起的風險和全球疾病負擔之評估 Assessment of Risk and Global Disease Burdens Caused by Aflatoxins via Dietary Exposures Under Climate Change | 趙珮辰; Pei-Chen Chao | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2022 | 泌尿道致病性大腸桿菌於臺灣市售牛肉之盛行率及其於生牛肉與熟牛肉之生長預測模型 Prevalence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in retail beef and predictive models for the growth in raw and cooked beef | Tzu-Ping Kao; 高子評 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2022 | 泌尿道致病性大腸桿菌於臺灣市售雞肉之盛行率及其於舒肥雞胸肉之熱失活預測模型 Prevalence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in retail chicken meat and predictive models for the thermal inactivation in sous-vide processed chicken breast | 李昀蓉; YUN-JUNG LEE | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2020 | 烹調方法、蔬菜以及香料對於肉類料理中加工衍生危害物生成之影響 Effect of cooking methods, vegetables, and spices of the formation of process-induced hazards in meat dishes | Kai-Chieh Yang; 楊凱傑 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2021 | 玉米赤黴烯酮對秀麗隱桿線蟲老化之毒性效應及相關機制探討 Evaluation of Toxic Effects of Zearalenone on Aging and the Underlying Mechanisms in Caenorhabditis elegans | Wan-Ru Liao; 廖婉如 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2021 | 玉米赤黴烯酮對秀麗隱桿線蟲誘導帕金森氏症毒性及相關機制之探討 Evaluation of Zearalenone Toxicity on Parkinson’s Disease and the Underlying Mechanisms in Caenorhabditis elegans | Nien-Chieh Yang; 楊念潔 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2022 | 生鮮及加工肉品中新菸鹼類農藥、對羥基苯甲酸酯類及雙酚類之 ID-UPLC-MS/MS 方法開發、含量測定及 暴露評估研究 Method development, determination and exposure assessment of neonicotinoids, parabens and bisphenols in fresh and processed meat by ID-UPLC-MS/MS | Yi-Hsi Chen; 陳依禧 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2022 | 畜牧廢水灌溉對土壤與葉菜中小分子有機污染物分布之影響 Micropollutant distribution in soil and a leafy vegetable irrigated with livestock wastewater | Sih-Yi Yu; 余思頤 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2020 | 福島核災事故發生9年後的食品風險感知:以臺灣食品安全相關研究所為例
Food Risk Perception 9-year after Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Take Graduate Institute of Food Safety in Taiwan as an Example | Pin-Chun Kuo; 郭品君 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2020 | 稻米穀粒中銦及鎘的分布及其他元素(鈣、鈦、錳、銅、鋅、銣和鉬)含量 Distribution of indium and cadmium and contents of other elements in rice grains (Ca, Ti, Mn, Cu, Zn, Rb and Mo) | Jian-Wei Lee; 李健維 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2020 | 稻米穀粒中鎵及砷元素分布與微量元素(鍶、銫、鈷及釩)含量之探討
Distribution of gallium and arsenic and the contents of trace elements (Sr, Cs, Co and V) in rice grains | Yi-Man Lyu; 呂依蔓 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2024 | 系統性評估台灣食品中鉛最大殘留限量的安全性 Systematic Evaluation of the Maximum Residue Limits of Lead in Foods of Taiwan | 鍾君妍; Kuan-In Chong | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
2022 | 結合靜電紡絲聚丙烯腈奈米碳纖維與噬菌體的電化學阻抗式生物感測器 Electrospun polyacrylonitrile derived carbon nanofiber and bacteriophage decorated electrochemical impedance spectroscopic biosensor | Ruo Fan Wang; 王若凡 | 食品安全與健康研究所 |