Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 171
Publication Year | Title | Author(s) | Department |
2013 | Clifford Geertz人類學理論評述-符號-語用的觀點 A Semiotic-Pragmatic Critique of Clifford Geertz's Anthropological Theory | I-Lin Liu; 劉以霖 | 人類學研究所 |
2019 | K-means集群方法在區域性考古遺址空間分佈研究上的應用:以晚商山東地區為例 Application of a K-means Clusters approach to the analysis of the regional distribution of Late Shang period archaeological sites in Shandong, China | ZHENGQIAN WANG; 王崢騫 | 人類學研究所 |
2018 | Taiwan Through the Lens of its Museums - A Clear View? | Koert R. Stijne; 施德納 | 人類學研究所 |
2015 | "Taiwan's Multicultural Tongzhi: Popular Representations, Activist Engagements, Markets and Space" Taiwan's Multicultural Tongzhi: Popular Representations, Activist Engagements, Markets and Space | Timothy Quinn; 丁崑天 | 人類學研究所 |
- | TDR Test9 | - | - |
2013 | Yagé: 波哥大的病苦與療癒 Yagé:Illness, suffering and healing precess in Bogota | Tzu-Yun Hung; 洪子芸 | 人類學研究所 |
2020 | 上演婆姐,表現臺灣:臺灣國家品牌下可愛藝陣的舞蹈景觀 Staging Pojie, Performing Taiwaneseness: The Choreoscape of Cute Folk Performance in Branding Taiwan | Charles C Lee; 李橋河 | 人類學研究所 |
2013 | 不該來的不要來:花蓮民宿家裡的新陌生人 Only Welcoming Those Who Are Invited:
New Strangers Living in Hualien Bed and Breakfast | Yung-Chen Cheng; 諶泳丞 | 人類學研究所 |
2016 | 世界救世教的自然療癒實踐:以台日MOA自然農法網絡為例 The Practice of “Natural Healing” of Sekai Kyusei Kyo: A Case Study of MOA Natural Farming in Japan and Taiwan | Wen-Hsin Lee; 李文馨 | 人類學研究所 |
2022 | 中介著的視點:卑南溪流域布農族地區近代社會影像誌(1880-1950)及博物館再現 Intermediating gaze:The Modern historical social photobiography of ”Bunun tu dalah”(1880-1950) and the representation in museum field | PO-KANG HSIEH; 謝博剛 | 人類學研究所 |
2012 | 「中心」博物館與國家角落-臺東史前與沖繩博美的館脈論述 Museum as Center and Standing at State's Corner----On Discourse of Institutional Contexts of NMP and OPMAM | Chih-Hsing Lin; 林志興 | 人類學研究所 |
2010 | 五條港高腳漁村的聚落建構與空間形塑:一個馬來西亞華人移民社會的研究 Settlement Construction and Social Space Shaping of Sungai Lima: Study of A Malaysian Chinese Stilt Village | Siang - Chai Koh; 許湘彩 | 人類學研究所 |
2007 | 五營兵將:台灣民間宗教研究 The Five-Camp Army:
The Study of Taiwanese Folk Religion | Yu-hsuan Lin; 林雨璇 | 人類學研究所 |
2005 | 「交換」與「個人主義」:蘭嶼野銀聚落的例子 'Exchange' and 'Individualism': A Case Study at Ivalino, Lan-Yu | Yu-Chian Huang; 黃郁茜 | 人類學研究所 |
2013 | 以植物矽酸體分析和陶器壓痕翻模法探討卑南遺址的植物遺留 Discussion of Plant Remains in the Peinan Site Based on Phytolith Analysis and Plant Impression Replica Method on Pottery | Yun-Ning Kang; 康芸甯 | 人類學研究所 |
2019 | 做國寶的家人:Kaviyangan文化復振中的物質實踐
Doing Muakai’s Family: Material Practices of the Cultural Revitalization in Kaviyangan
| Chia-Cheng Wu; 吳佳錚 | 人類學研究所 |
2024 | 停燈向曉:中國閩西鄉村儀式、環境與人關係的討論 Twilight Halts: Rituals, Environment, and Human in Western Fujian | 甯格; Ge Ning | 人類學系 |
2019 | 儀式、記憶與政治行動:排灣望嘉文化遺產化的協商與認同 Rituals, Memories and Political Actions: The Negotiation and Identity under Cultural Heritagization among The Vungalid People in Paiwan | Yu-Min Kuo; 郭玉敏 | 人類學研究所 |
2018 | 八尺門之後:國宅空間與都市部落的共生 After Bachimen: The Mutual Emergence of Public Housing and Urban Niyaro' | Yu-Chen Chuang; 莊淯琛 | 人類學研究所 |
2020 | 再探花蓮花岡山遺址之甕棺葬 Revisiting Jar Burials in Huakangshan site, Hualien | Hsiao-Wei Yu; 尤筱薇 | 人類學研究所 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 171