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Title: | 唐代華嚴宗人的唯心思想 On the Mind-Only Thought of Tang Dynasty Huayan School Monks |
Authors: | Wen-Chi Hsieh 謝文綺 |
Advisor: | 劉貴傑(Kuei-Chieh Liu) |
Co-Advisor: | 陳平坤(Ping-Kun Chen) |
Keyword: | 唯心,第一義心,一心二門,唯心迴轉,十重一心,本覺真心, Mind-only,The three realms are mind-only,The two gates of the one mind,Consciousness-only,True Mind of Original Enlightenment, |
Publication Year : | 2019 |
Degree: | 碩士 |
Abstract: | 《華嚴經》說:「三界虛妄,但是一心作」。這種心所作、心所為的「唯心」義,對唐代華嚴宗人「唯心」思想的形成起了極大的作用。華嚴宗的創立與發展過程,大都深受《大乘起信論》「一心二門」的啟發,這種「一心」觀點,對華嚴宗人的「唯心」思想產生了一定的影響。
華嚴宗二祖智儼(602–668)認為「三界唯心」之「心」乃是「梨耶心」,而「梨耶心」亦即「本識唯識」,他所謂的「心」乃是「真妄和合的梨耶識」說。智儼主張生死與涅槃、善與不善全是「唯心」所轉;一切善法惡法,全隨「一心」而現。 三祖法藏(643–712)認為:一切法皆唯心現,無別自體,正因如此,是故大小隨心迴轉。他以「一心」來開顯五教,而且提出「十重唯識觀」,來說明宇宙萬法皆由「一心」所現,形成了具有「唯心」色彩的理論。 四祖澄觀(738–839)認為「唯心」具有:一「攝境從心」、二「空有交徹」、三「第一義心」等意涵。他主張「無住心體,靈知不昧」,並且另開「十重一心」之門,由此更加凸顯其「唯心」的趣向。 五祖宗密(780–841)特別重視「真心」,認為「真心」即是「真性」。他主張真性之「知」即是真如的「自然常知」,且把真性本體理解為「寂知」。宗密強調「泯絕染淨,故說一心」,因而更能彰顯其「唯心」的旨趣。 智儼多借梨耶唯識與意識唯識來開展其「唯心」說,故而具有濃厚的唯識色彩。法藏認為一切諸法都是「自性清淨真心」所現,他以「真心」說為其理論歸趣,從而顯揚其「唯心」思想的特質。澄觀認為「無住心體,靈知不昧」,而「知寂不二」、「寂照一如」,正可視為其「唯心」思想的特質。宗密認為「本覺真心」一則寂然無聲,一則煥然靈知,而「寂知」正是此心的特質。 南宋陸九淵(1139–1193)主張作為人的根源之「心」恆常真實,這與宗密所說「常住真心」,可謂理無二致。九淵所謂「本靈」之心與宗密「靈知不昧」之心,頗有相似之處。明代王守仁(1472–1528)所說「真己」與宗密所謂「常住真心」,實有異曲同工之妙。守仁所說虛靈明覺之「心」,與宗密所謂靈知不昧的「本覺真心」,理路亦非常相同。 高麗知訥(1158–1210)主倡離妄靈鑑的「真心說」深受宗密所謂「空寂之心,靈知不昧」的影響。他承襲宗密所說:「真心有二種用,一自性用,二應用」的論點,從而認為真心妙體遍一切處,悉能起用。此外,就知訥主張「以靈知為自心」的觀點來看,他主要是繼承了宗密的「靈知心體」說。 The Buddha teachings are the exhaustive studies of the Absolute Truth; Words of Buddha follow the mind. Buddhadharma thus centers around the Mind-only. The Avataṃsaka Sutra says, “The three realms are mind-only,” “You should contemplate the nature of the Dharma Realm. Everything is made from the mind alone.” The world of sentient beings and the container world are made from the mind only. Even the Ten Worlds and Six Realms do not go beyond the mind. The Mind-only is especially emphasized in the Avataṃsaka Sutra. Dharma is mind-only. All phenomena are nothing but consciousness. All is made from the mind, and all does not exist without the mind. That is the development of this central philosophy, “Dependent Origination is mind-only.” The Huayan School was named after the Avataṃsaka Sutra, or Huayan Jing. According to the sutra, “All in the three realms is nothing more than one's mind.” All beings and phenomena are created and done by the mind; The idealism of human agency has greatly shaped the development of Huayan School’s philosophy of the Mind-only. |
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DOI: | 10.6342/NTU201900460 |
Fulltext Rights: | 同意授權(全球公開) |
Appears in Collections: | 哲學系 |
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