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Title: | 休閒農業旅遊動機與知覺價值對遊客重遊意願之探討-以臺北市休閒農場為例 The Effect of Tourists' Motivation and Perceived Values on Willingness to Revisit: A Case Study of the Leisure Farms in Taipei City |
Authors: | Kuang-Chen Shu 蘇光正 |
Advisor: | 彭立沛 |
Keyword: | 休閒農業,旅遊動機,知覺價值,重遊意願, leisure agriculture,tourism motivation,perceived value,willingness to revisit, |
Publication Year : | 2020 |
Degree: | 碩士 |
Abstract: | 因應人口密集都市化的發展,臺北市的農業逐漸沒落,工商服務業取而代之成為主流,農地大量縮減與農業人口老化,驅使都會區農業面臨轉型,臺北市政府與台北市農會有鑑於此,於1980年起大力推動休閒農業。然臺北市之休閒農場多位於交通不便之山區,再加上從農人口老化、業主經營管理能力不足、經濟規模較小、相關法令相對嚴格以及其他縣市休閒農業競爭等衝擊下,了解臺北市休閒農業現況,並朝向更符合民眾需求以期永續發展,便成為本研究所想探討的議題。 本研究係以遊客的旅遊動機與到訪後的知覺價值為主軸,參考相關文獻設計問卷,並以臺北市六家合法且對外公開營業休閒農場的遊客為受訪對象,蒐集問卷,共回收609份問卷,有效樣本數為479份,接著再以SPSS軟體進行信效度分析、敘述性統計分析、差異性分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及迴歸分析,探討影響遊客重遊意願的主要關鍵因素及因應對策。 研究結果顯示,經由變異性分析,遊客的每月可支配金額、老家所在縣市、所到訪之休閒農場、到訪休閒農場次數及年齡對於重遊意願有顯著影響。而從旅遊動機與知覺價值之因素相關矩陣分析得知,旅遊動機與知覺價值之所有分量表間的相關係數均達非常顯著水準。再經迴歸分析結果得知,知覺價值中之遊客情緒反應、農場之設施品質與聲譽等三項為影響遊客重遊意願的主要因素,且均達顯著水準。 本研究結果可提供農政單位、農民團體在推動休閒農業時,作為政策擬訂及輔導之參考,亦可協助休閒農業業主制定發展方針與經營策略,極具意義。 In response to the development of densely populated urbanization, Taipei's agriculture is gradually declining, and the industrial and commercial services have become the mainstreams. The massive reduction of agricultural land and the aging of the agricultural population have driven the metropolitan area's agriculture to undergo transformation. In view of this, the Taipei City Government and the Taipei farmers’ Association since 1980, have been vigorously promoting leisure agriculture. However, most of the leisure farms in Taipei are located in mountainous areas with inconvenient transportation. Coupled with the impact of the aging farming population, insufficient business management capabilities of the owners, small economic scale, relatively strict laws and regulations, and competition in leisure agriculture in other counties the current status of leisure agriculture, and its direction to better meet the needs of the people with a view to sustainable development, have become the subject of this research. This research is based on the tourist motivation of tourists and the perceived value after the visit. The questionnaire is designed with reference to relevant literature. The visitors from six legal leisure farms in Taipei are interviewed. A total of 609 questionnaires were recovered, with 479 valid samples. The questionnaire is collected and then carried out with SPSS software. Reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, ANOVA(single factor variance analysis), Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Finally discuss the key factors affecting tourists' willingness to revisit and their countermeasures. The research results show that, through the variability analysis, the monthly disposable amount of tourists, the counties and cities where their hometowns are located, the leisure farms visited, the number of visits to leisure farms, and the age have a significant impact on their willingness to revisit. According to the analysis of the correlation matrix of factors related to tourism motivation and perceived value, the correlation coefficients between all subscales of tourism motivation and perceived value have reached an extremely significant level. From the results of regression analysis, it is known that three factors, including the emotional response of tourists in the perceived value, the quality and reputation of the facilities of the farm. They are the main factors affecting the willingness of tourists to visit again, and all of them have reached a significant level. The results of this study can provide agricultural administration units and farmers' groups as a reference for policy formation and guidance when promoting leisure agriculture, and can also assist leisure farmers to formulate development policies and business strategies, which is of great significance. |
URI: | |
DOI: | 10.6342/NTU202001028 |
Fulltext Rights: | 同意授權(全球公開) |
Appears in Collections: | 生物產業傳播暨發展學系 |
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