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標題: | 台灣青少年網路成癮之心理病理因子與性別差異:其與網路使用、壓力、衝動性之關聯性 Etiological Correlates and Gender Differences of Internet Addiction in Taiwanese Adolescents: The Use Pattern, Stress, and Impulsivity |
作者: | Brian Po-Tsang Huang 黃柏蒼 |
指導教授: | 陳淑惠(Sue-Huei Chen) |
關鍵字: | 網路成癮,網路使用,壓力,衝動性,青少年, Internet addiction,Internet use,stress,impulsivity,adolescents, |
出版年 : | 2011 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 目的:隨著台灣網路科技的發達,青少年網路成癮亦成為值得關注之議題。然而,過去研究較少從青少年發展之脈絡與壓力探討網路成癮之成因,更少探討不同類型之壓力對網路成癮之影響;另一方面,過去研究較少解釋男性網路成癮盛行率較高之現象。因此,針對台灣青少年之網路成癮,本研究將先比較不同網路使用活動之預測力,再從壓力-特異質理論檢驗壓力與衝動性之關聯,以期更理解網路成癮之成因與性別差異。本研究假設,網路成癮高危險組之壓力和衝動性均高於低風險組,且壓力調節衝動性與網路成癮傾向之關聯性。進一步地,本研究亦企圖對不同類型之壓力與網路成癮的相關進行探索。最後,針對性別差異,就網路成癮在網路使用、壓力和衝動性之關聯型態加以探討。
方法:研究參與者為台北縣某國中759 名學生(男性387 人,女性372 人,年齡12-15 歲)。參與者及家長均完成同意書填寫,並以匿名方式作答網路使用調查、網路成癮量表(CIAS)、青少年壓力量表,以及貝式衝動性量表(BIS)等自陳式問卷。 結果:透過變異數與階層迴歸分析,本研究發現:(一)青少年男性網路遊戲和情色使用較能預測網路成癮,而女性使用社會互動功能較能預測網路成癮。(二)就壓力類型而言,在青少年男性中,自我與未來擔憂壓力與網路成癮較為相關;相對地,在青少年女性中,浪漫關係壓力與網路成癮較為相關。(三)就客觀學業壓力、主/客觀浪漫關係壓力而言,網路成癮風險與性別有顯著的交互作用。(四)網路成癮高風險組之衝動性高於低風險組,無顯著性別差異。(五)壓力未調節衝動性與網路成癮之間的相關。(六)青少年男性主觀學業壓力與網路成癮傾向之間有顯著的曲線相關。 討論:上述研究結果顯示,台灣青少年男性與女性可能有不同的網路成癮型態與心理病理因子或相關因子。本研究進一步探討青少年網路成癮中,性別因素、壓力與衝動性扮演的可能角色。最後,將論及本研究之限制,並說明未來可行之研究方向與臨床應用。 Objective: While benefitted from highly developed Informational Technology, Internet addiction might be a mental health issue for Taiwanese adolescents and worth research and professional attentions. Nevertheless, environmental and developmental factors associated with Internet addiction in adolescents are less explored. Specifically, little is known about the stress types that may be more related to Internet addiction or the relationship between impulsivity and Internet addiction. Moreover, few studies have attempted to explain higher prevalence of Internet addiction in boys. Therefore, in order to understand the etiological factors and gender differences of Internet addiction in Taiwanese adolescents, the present study attempts to explore the relationship among Internet addiction, stress and impulsivity from a stress-diathesis perspective. It is hypothesized that high-risk adolescents have higher stress and higher impulsivity than low-risk adolescents. In addition, stress is hypothesized to moderate the relationship between impulsivity and Internet addiction tendency. The relationship between different types of stress and Internet addiction is explored. Finally, the gender difference of Internet addiction with respect to Internet use, impulsivity, and stress is explored. Method: 759 adolescents (387 boys, 372 girls, age range = 12-15 years old) from a local junior high school in Taipei participated in the study. Both participants and their parents completed the informed consent form. Self-report questionnaires assessing Internet usage, adolescents life stress, impulsivity and Internet addiction tendency were completed by participants anonymously. Results: Using analyses of variance and hierarchical multiple regressions, the present study found: 1) While online gaming and using cyberporn were more predictive of Internet addiction for boys, using social interaction device was more predictive for girls. 2) Stress of self and future concern was more related to Internet addiction for boys, while romantic relationship stress was more related to Internet addiction for girls. 3) Significant gender × group (low/high risk) interaction was found for objective academic stress and subjective/objective romantic relationship stress. 4) Both high-risk boys and girls showed significant higher impulsivity than low-risk group. 5) Stress did not moderate the relationship between impulsivity and Internet addiction. 6) Subjective academic stress had a curvilinear relationship with Internet addiction, whereas such relationship existed only for boys but not for girls. Discussion: In Taiwanese adolescents, boys and girls may have different etiological patterns of Internet addiction. The roles of Internet use, types of stress, and impulsivity playing in the etiological links to Internet addiction are addressed. The limitation of study as well as clinical implication and future direction are discussed. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/48496 |
全文授權: | 有償授權 |
顯示於系所單位: | 心理學系 |
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ntu-100-1.pdf 目前未授權公開取用 | 1.13 MB | Adobe PDF |