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標題: | 民主化後的馬祖地方政治生態與地方政治菁英的動員、經營與結盟 Political Ecology, Mobilization, Management, and Alliances of Local Political Elites in Matsu after Democratization |
作者: | Tsu-Hao Chiu 邱祖顥 |
指導教授: | 王業立 |
共同指導教授: | 周嘉辰 |
關鍵字: | 地方政治生態,馬祖,民主化,地方選舉,關係,人際關係網絡主義,政治密友主義, local political ecology,matsu,democratization,local faction,guanxi,network theory,political cronyism, |
出版年 : | 2017 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 國內針對馬祖這個離島的政治學研究相當缺乏,因此本研究首先爬梳相關文獻,以理解馬祖之區域概況與地方政治發展。再以人際關係網絡理論與政治密友主義作為主要理論框架,及深度訪談法,文獻分析法、參與觀察法作為研究方法,從五個主要研究問題出發,勾勒出民主化後(1992-2017)的馬祖地方政治生態之形貌。
本研究的主要研究發現有: 一、軍管時期的生活、對民進黨的反感、地緣關係、與中國的交流程度使得馬祖人在政黨認同上非常傾向泛藍。 二、政黨認同只在全國性選舉上較有影響力,在地方選舉中,政治菁英動員與經營的核心是「關係為主,利益為輔」的形式。 三、馬祖較特殊的動員模式有買票、非現住人口動員、換票。因為人情關係網絡的密度與重疊性高、地小人少,使得這些模式成為可行、影響力更高。 四、馬祖地方政治勢力的形成、發展、運作,與傳統的地方派系有所差異。在組織結構上,偏向政治密友主義闡述的方式,且有步向一派獨大的趨勢。 五、候選人表現、議題、政見、學歷在選舉中較不重要,非泛藍政黨目前也難在馬祖得到席次,但年輕選民及外來人口數量的成長,也許有機會使這樣的狀態產生轉變。 Few political science studies of Matsu, an island of Taiwan, have been undertaken. Therefore, this study first reviewed the relevant literature to obtain a regional overview of Matsu and its local political developments. Then, using network theory and political cronyism as the main theoretical framework, the study applied in-depth interviews, documentary analysis, and participant observation as research methods. Based on five main research questions, the study determined the characteristics of the local political ecology in Matsu after democratization (1992–2017). The major findings of this thesis are as follows: 1. The military period of life, resentment of the DPP, geographic factors, and the degree of communication with China cause people in Matsu to be strongly inclined toward identifying with the pan-blue camp. 2. In national elections, party identity is comparatively influential. Regarding local elections, a guanxi-based system that supplemented by interests” is the core of mobilization and management by the political elite. 3.Comparatively unique modes of mobilization are applied in Matsu, namely ticket-buying, mobilization of domicile-leaving people, and ticket-exchanging. The high density and overlap of social networks, the small area of land, and the small population cause these modes to be feasible and influential. 4. The formation, development, and operation of local political forces in Matsu differ from those of traditional local factions. The organizational structure favors the description of political cronyism, and tends to be dominated by one force. 5. Candidates’ performance, focal issues, political opinions, and educational background are unimportant in elections. Non–pan-blue political parties struggle to obtain seats in Matsu. However, the increase in numbers of young voters and foreign populations may result in changes to the political ecology. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/2673 |
DOI: | 10.6342/NTU201700709 |
全文授權: | 同意授權(全球公開) |
顯示於系所單位: | 國家發展研究所 |
檔案 | 大小 | 格式 | |
ntu-106-1.pdf | 2.71 MB | Adobe PDF | 檢視/開啟 |