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Title: | 災害防救法制研究-以緊急應變為中心 Study on Legal Framework of Disaster Prevention and Protection: Focusing on Emergency Response |
Authors: | Chi-wei Chan 詹騏瑋 |
Advisor: | 林明昕(Ming-Hsin Lin) |
Keyword: | 災害防救,緊急命令,國家緊急權,緊急法制,軍隊救災, disaster prevention and protection,emergency response,emergency power,emergency decree,immunity, |
Publication Year : | 2010 |
Degree: | 碩士 |
Abstract: | 災害防救之過程主要可分為事前預防、事中應變以及事後復原三大階段,本篇文章並非全面性的檢討整個災害防救體制,重心是放在「事中緊急應變」的部分。因為在災害所引發的緊急狀態中,救災任務首重迅速性與有效性,平常法制如何在不破壞法治國原則之前提下,因應災害所帶來之緊急狀態。另外,本文將不從消極面討論如何於政府採取相關緊急應變措施時,應如何具體保障人民自由權利的問題,而是從積極面出發,去審視如何在整體災害防救制度上有何缺失或不足之處。因此,本篇文章是希望檢討我國在整個緊急應變法制上,特別是天災所造成的緊急狀態中,應該要怎樣去設計一個完善的災害防救法制,在這個法制需要如何加入或修正若干規範,希冀透過更完善的法制建立,能夠掌握災害應變的黃金時間,整體提升對於全國人民生命、身體與財產的保障。
首先,關於災害應變人員之責任,分別針對不同身分之災害應變人員進行分析。本文認為我國對於不具公務員身分且非屬志工之私部門專業人員仍未提供充分的保護,為了鼓勵更多人員投入災害應變,應透過緊急狀態之宣布,於一定期間內提供具有專業證照之人員法律免責權的保護,使其不用顧慮法律上過重之責任,而全心投入災害應變。至於「災害應變之軍隊動用」,本文認為國家應視不同的緊急狀態,整備適切的人力與資源以供應變所需,且在人力與資源的應變順序上,應優先考量專責的防救災的人力與資源,軍隊應於專門負責防救災之人力與資源不足時,才投入進行支援的工作。因此,政府平時即應評估、儲備充足的專業應變能量,而非本末倒置的期望軍隊在大大小小的災害中都要無所不在。歸結第三章所討論之災害應變之相關法律問題,本文主張有必要制定一個整合性的緊急應變法律。於此一整合性緊急應變法律中創設宣布緊急狀態的程序、效力等相關規定,並搭配其他諸如災害應變人員責任、軍隊動用等規範,將法律關係予以明確化,具體落實國家緊急法制完整化的建制。 最後,本文將災害防救之緊急應變法制放在整個國家緊急法制之下,重新去定位、檢討理想的國家緊急法制。經過與其他國家的比較法研究之後,本文認為應減低對於憲法緊急命令制度的依賴,並從法律層面強化緊急法制,制定整合不同緊急狀態的法律,明確規範各種不同緊急狀態發布之要件,視情況不同宣布相對應的緊急狀態,啟動相對應的應變機制。此一緊急狀態亦須設有日落條款,避免緊急狀態長久化,而造成國家以緊急之名而行濫權之實。本文認為透過法律層面緊急法制的完整建立,能夠減少總統濫用憲法上緊急法制之可能性。在確保國家之權力分立體制維持不墜的同時,有效保障人民之生命財產免於天災等緊急狀態所造成威脅,如此一來,得以確保人民之自由權利能夠確實受到即時且充分的保障。 The process of disaster prevention and protection can be distinguished into three phases: prevention, response and recovery. The thesis focuses on the emergency response. In order to enhance the security of people’s life and property under emergent disastrous situations, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive legal regime, which can strike a balance between the efficiency of the disaster response and the protection of people’s right properly. Through analyzing the liability of emergency responders and the use of military force respectively, the thesis proposes to formulate a comprehensive emergency legal regime in which the procedure and the legal effect of announcing emergency are clearly prescribed. By announcing a state of emergency according to the Emergency Response Law, application and state of law can be more precise and clearer. For example, we can provide the immunity for emergency responders during the emergency. In addition, we can clearly know the authority and the timing of using military forces to response after a state of emergency is announced. In the final chapter, the thesis inspects the disaster emergency response legal regime in the lens of the national emergency legal system as a whole. After comparing different constitutionalism models, the thesis suggests that the reliance on the emergency decree provided by the Article 2, Paragraph 3, of Amendment to the Constitution should be reduced. As an alternative, an integrated emergency legal regime which details and differentiates emergency situations should be established so as to protect people from the threat of disaster properly and efficiently. |
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Fulltext Rights: | 同意授權(全球公開) |
Appears in Collections: | 法律學系 |
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