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DC 欄位 | 值 | 語言 |
dc.contributor.advisor | 詹長權(Chang-Chuan Chan) | |
dc.contributor.author | Mu-Ting Yen | en |
dc.contributor.author | 顏睦庭 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-07-11T15:31:40Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2021-06-30 | |
dc.date.copyright | 2020-08-27 | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.date.submitted | 2020-08-18 | |
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dc.identifier.uri | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/78950 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 學校午餐是廣泛受到世界各國重視的食安議題之一,除了提供學童們營養的飲食確保健康發育之外,還可藉飲食教育進一步擴展到禮儀教育、品德教育、文化教育、農業教育、環境教育、公民教育等範疇,為國家重要的發展基礎。鑒於日本立法推動學校午餐已有六十餘年之經驗,本研究即以臺灣學校午餐為主題,針對臺日兩國辦理學校午餐之法規及政策面的規範上進行比較性的探討,同時利用歷史研究法、次級資料分析法及田野調查法等方式,探討現行臺灣學校午餐制度的主要問題,並透過分析日本制度及經驗作法,提供我國日後改進學校午餐的建議。 在學校午餐法規制度方面,日本於1954年建立學校午餐專法《學校給食法》,內容包含負責機關權責、營養教師制度、食育、國家補助餐費、辦理學校午餐所經經費標準等項目,後於2005年訂定《食育基本法》將教育精神融入在學校午餐之做法及核心原則。臺灣則於2002年制定《學校衛生法》,學校午餐僅為該法之一部分,不足之處則由多項行政措施或配套辦法予以補充。日本明確確立學校午餐的重要性,長期以專法支持及推動,值得臺灣學習。 田野調查發現臺灣學校午餐存在品質參差不齊、相關人力上短缺、法規及制度面上缺乏完整性、負責機關眾多難以劃清權責、偏鄉學校面臨無午餐之危機等爭議及問題。藉由借鏡日本之經驗,臺灣可藉由制定學校午餐專法,確立學校營養午餐參與者的權責義務,並可進一步深化及推動飲食教育。另一方面,臺灣可鬆綁現有採購招標做法,成立類似日本各地午餐給食會的民間合作組織,將能改善臺灣學校午餐現實供應的各項問題,並且提升學校午餐品質。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | School lunch is a food safety issue that is commonly discussed and debated in the whole world, it has not only provided students with dietary intake of essential nutrients that are necessary for healthy growth, but has also presented itself as a platform for teaching the students etiquette education, character education, cultural education, agricultural education, environmental education, citizenship education and such education. It is the foundation of a nation’s key development. Considering that Japan has established a School Lunch Law for over sixty years, with a focus on Taiwan’s school lunch, this study aims to investigate the differences between Taiwan and Japan’s regulations and policies concerning school lunch. Additionally, this study also discusses the major problems of the current school lunch related policies in Taiwan by using historical method, document analysis and field study. The results of field study indicate that problems concerning school lunch in Taiwan range from inconsistent quality of school lunch, manpower shortage, incomplete regulations, segregation of duties of responsible agencies, challenges that school of rural areas face…etc. From the aspect of school lunch legislations, Japan has established a School Lunch Law in 1945, which regulates the responsibilities of each agency, the nutrition teacher system, food education, national subsidy programs, standard of implementation fee of school lunch and more. Japan has later established Basic Act on Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education), which has incorporated the spirit of education into the core value of school lunch. On the other side tin Taiwan, School Health Act was established in 2002, and school lunch takes up only a small part of the Act, the rest enforcement is supplemented with administrative measures or related regulations. The approaches that Japan took to address the importance of school lunch through a dedicated school lunch law and its implementation of school lunch in the long term set a good example for Taiwan. Learning from Japan, Taiwan can regulate the duties of all school lunch responsible agencies, and take a step forward towards implementation of food education. Furthermore, Taiwan can substantially improve the quality of school lunch and solve the issues regarding it through loosen regulatory requirements for public purchasing and the establishment of non-governmental organizations that are similar to Japan’s local school lunch association. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2021-07-11T15:31:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 U0001-1808202013402400.pdf: 5882490 bytes, checksum: 45c22ed0728474239f0e75fa39a2d562 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2020 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與研究目的 1 第二節、研究途徑與研究方法 15 第二章、現有法規與政策 19 第一節、臺灣營養午餐現有法規與政策 19 第二節、日本營養午餐現有法規與政策 61 第三章、辦理現況與田野調查結果 110 第一節、臺灣營養午餐辦理現況 110 第二節、日本營養午餐辦理現況 112 第三節、臺灣田野調查結果與討論 115 第四章、法規與政策比較 143 第一節、臺灣與日本營養午餐法規與政策比較 143 第五章、結論與討論 156 第一節、法規與政策層面 156 第二節、營養層面 156 第三節、食品安全衛生層面 157 第四節、食農教育層面 157 參考文獻 158 | |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | |
dc.title | 臺灣與日本學校營養午餐政策與法律比較之研究 | zh_TW |
dc.title | A Comparative Study on School Lunch Policies and Regulations between Taiwan and Japan | en |
dc.type | Thesis | |
dc.date.schoolyear | 108-2 | |
dc.description.degree | 碩士 | |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 陳家揚(Chia-Yang Chen),許輔(Sheu Fuu) | |
dc.subject.keyword | 學校營養午餐,學校午餐專法,食育, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | School lunch,School Lunch Act,food education, | en |
dc.relation.page | 161 | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.6342/NTU202003963 | |
dc.rights.note | 有償授權 | |
dc.date.accepted | 2020-08-18 | |
dc.contributor.author-college | 公共衛生學院 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author-dept | 食品安全與健康研究所 | zh_TW |
顯示於系所單位: | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
檔案 | 大小 | 格式 | |
U0001-1808202013402400.pdf 目前未授權公開取用 | 5.74 MB | Adobe PDF |