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標題: | 以 QuEChERS 搭配極致液相層析串聯質譜法 測定加工肉類食品之加工衍生含氮危害物 Quantitation of process-induced nitrogen hazards in processed meats by using QuEChERS coupled with UPLC-MS/MS |
作者: | Wei Lun Su 蘇偉綸 |
指導教授: | 陳鑫昌(Hsin-Chang Chen) |
關鍵字: | 加工衍生含氮危害物,異環胺,亞硝胺,丙烯醯胺,QuEChERS, Process-induced nitrogen hazards,heterocyclic amines,nitrosamines,acrylamide,QuEChERS, |
出版年 : | 2020 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 食品在加工過程中,容易因為高溫或使用化學添加劑導致有毒物質的產生,稱為「加工衍生毒物 (Process-induced toxicants)」,其中異環胺 (Heterocyclic amines, HCAs)、亞硝胺 (Nitrosamines, NAs) 及丙烯醯胺 (Acrylamide, AA) 即為食品中常見的加工衍生含氮危害物,且這三類毒性化合物在國際癌症研究機構 (International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC) 的致癌物分類中,皆屬於二級致癌物質。過去已有大量文獻在研究這三類物質對人體的致癌性及致突變性,隨著時間及技術的演進,現今也有許多的學者利用質譜技術來監測這些物質在食品中的含量。雖然異環胺、亞硝胺及丙烯醯胺皆會在食物中生成,但大多數的研究僅測定這三類物質中的一至兩種,目前尚未有同時測定三種物質的文獻。本研究選定 12 種異環胺、6種亞硝胺及丙烯醯胺作為目標分析物,利用快速簡便之樣品前處理技術 QuEChERS,再搭配極致液相層析串聯質譜儀,共同測定 30 項市售加工肉品中異環胺、亞硝胺及丙烯醯胺之含量。結果顯示,此方法所建立之檢量線,皆有良好的線性關係,其相關係數 (r) 皆大於 0.990;方法之偵測極限及定量極限分別為 0.005 至0.5 ng g−1及 0.015 至 1.5 ng g−1。利用此方法在全部樣品中皆能成功檢測出加工衍生含氮危害物,濃度最高之加工肉品為雞肉鬆及豬肉鬆,主要以亞硝胺及異環胺加工衍生含氮危害物為主,濃度分別為63.21及394.17 ng g−1。本研究開發之分析方法,能快速且有效地檢測及定量加工衍生含氮危害物,除了可用來監控食品中這些致癌物質的背景濃度,未來可結合國家攝食資料庫,了解國人經攝取加工肉品同時暴露異環胺、亞硝胺及丙烯醯胺之致癌風險,最終達到增進食品安全及健康之目的。 During food processing, toxicants are produced easily due to high temperature or chemical additives, called “Process-induced toxicants,” in which heterocyclic amines (HCAs), nitrosamines (NAs) and acrylamide (AA) are commonly process-induced nitrogen hazards (PINHs) observed in foods. Moreover, these three types of PINHs are classified as Group 2A/2B carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Previously, lots of researches studied the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of these PINHs to humans. With the evolution of time and technology, present researchers use mass spectrometry to monitor the content of these hazards in food. Although the HCAs, NAs, and AA are induced in food concurrently, most of the research has only measured one or two of these three types of PINHs, and there is currently no research on the determination of three PINHs simultaneously. In this study, 12 HCAs, 6 NAs, and AA were selected as target analytes. The QuEChERS approach was selected as sample pretreatment. An analytical method using QuEChERS coupled with UPLC-MS/MS was developed to quantitate the PINHs in commercially processed meats products simultaneously. 16 stable isotope-labeled internal standards (SIL-ISTDs) were utilized to compensate the matrix effects and to calibrate the observed signals. The obtained results revealed that the calibration curves established by using the isotope-dilution method displayed the good linearity with the correlation coefficient (r) higher than 0.990. Method limits of detection (LODs) and limits of quantification (LOQs) were within the range of 0.005 - 0.5 ng g−1 and 0.015 - 1.5 ng g−1, respectively. PINHs were successfully detected in all samples using this method. The processed meat products that contained the highest concentrations of PINHs, mainly NAs and HCAs, were bacon and pork floss, with the concentrations of 63.21 and 394.17 ng g−1, respectively. The analytical method developed in this study can quickly and efficiently quantitate the PINHs. In addition to being used to monitor the background concentration of these carcinogens in food, it can be combined with National Food Consumption Database to understand the cancer risk of co-exposure to HCAs, NAs, and AA while consuming processed meats products in the future, and achieves the purpose of improving food safety and health ultimately. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/66072 |
DOI: | 10.6342/NTU202000437 |
全文授權: | 有償授權 |
顯示於系所單位: | 食品安全與健康研究所 |
檔案 | 大小 | 格式 | |
ntu-109-1.pdf 目前未授權公開取用 | 21.39 MB | Adobe PDF |