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dc.contributor.advisor | 邱玉蟬(Yu-Chan Chiu) | | | Li-Wan Lin | en | | 林立婉 | zh_TW | | 2021-06-16T16:21:07Z | - | | 2015-02-16 | | | 2013-02-16 | | | 2013 | | | 2013-01-30 | |
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dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 現今社會包含著高知識量且變動快速的兩個特色,且藉由科技發展,人類生活邁向更新的紀元,但隨著時間流逝,人類也察覺到生活中因著科技成長所帶來的不確定感,因此亟欲透過大眾媒體來傳得知風險的訊息。本研究透過檢視「電磁波」在台灣媒體中的呈現方式,來理解台灣媒體究竟是如何呈現報導科技風險的議題,因此由2010年1月1日至2012年6月30日,從《聯合報》、《中國時報》、《蘋果日報》、《自由時報》的電子資料庫中選擇737則樣本,進行兩個層次分析。第一層次使用電磁波為關鍵字進行內容分析,第二層次則使用「手機+電磁波」為關鍵字再進行較簡單的質化分析。
研究結果發現,電磁波新聞報導的形式以純新聞居多,大部分報導出現於「地方、都會、社會」版,新聞主題最多的內容是「電磁波問題/抗爭與疑慮」,消息來源則是以「民眾」為主,所談論的風險內容為「提到身心靈受到影響或產生疾病」與「使用擁有不確定性的字詞文句(如:可能、疑似)」,且常常出現「影響健康/腦部」與「罹患癌症」的說法;而在後續處理的部分,只有在「電磁波問題/疑慮與抗爭」新聞主題中後續處理的比例較高。 跨報紙的部分,在報導版面與新聞主題部分皆達到統計顯著水準。除了《蘋果日報》的電磁波新聞大多出現於「頭版、焦點、要聞、話題」版之外,其他三報都以「地方、都會與社會」版為主。新聞主題的部分,《自由時報》更偏向報導電磁波的問題,《蘋果日報》在「產品情報介紹」明顯高過其他三報。論消息來源,《聯合報》、《自由時報》主要的消息來源為「民眾」與「業者」,《中國時報》與《蘋果日報》則是「無消息來源/消息來源不明」。在風險呈現上,四報都易提到高風險的內容,但《中國時報》在四報中比例最高,《蘋果日報》的內容較多元。若更進一步分析會發現,談論風險時《中國時報》會留給閱聽人想像的空間,《聯合報》會具體描述影響的部分,《蘋果日報》和《自由時報》則是談到較多可能的問題來凸顯了電磁波的危險。 質化分析部分,會發現手機與手機電磁波的報導比例非常懸殊,且大多數報導重心不是手機電磁波,只有43篇才談到手機電磁波的相關內容。這43篇報導大多以「科學研究報導」的形式出現,討論時通常會引用科學研究數據並提出專家說法,且較多負面消息。此外,有時手機電磁波報導會有矛盾或聳動誇大之用語。 總體來說,台灣的新聞媒體對電磁波新聞的報導容易產生報導失衡的現象, 現今的媒體因為逐漸重視商業經營,使得電磁波風險訊息並未被確實傳達,喪失了媒體的客觀性與價值。媒體界應正視這樣的困境,從新塑造媒體價值,實踐媒體作為社會傳聲筒的第四權角色並形塑民眾對電磁波的正確觀念;此外,民眾也應謹慎地接受並審視媒體所傳達之訊息;在政府方面,應注意風險訊息散佈的比重,必要時透也應透過立法或其他決策來保障民眾之權利。期盼本結果能提供新聞界在報導風險訊息時能有新的思考方向與啟發。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Modern society contains two features: a great amount of knowledge and rapid change. Due to the development of technology, the human lifestyle turned to a brand new page. As time went by, however, people started being aware of the possible detriments caused by the development of technology in life. Therefore, everyone wants to get more information about the related risks via mass media. This study is aimed to analyze the media reports of electromagnetic wave in Taiwan, hoping to get a better understanding as to how Taiwanese media presents or reports the issues of scientific and technological risk. The 737 samples are selected from the 'United Daily News', 'China Times', 'Apple Daily' and 'Liberty Times' electronic database, dated from January 1, 2010 to June 30, 2012. There are two levels of the data analysis: the first level is to use the keyword 'electromagnetic waves' to do content analysis, and the second level is to use the keywords 'phone + electromagnetic waves' to do qualitative analysis '.
The study showed the reports of electromagnetic waves appearing mainly in 'society section' on newspapers, with the contents of 'electromagnetic wave`s problem/struggle and doubts”, the source of which came mainly from 'citizens', and the main risks of the reports are “Effects in the body, mind and spirit that develops sicknesses” and “Used doubtful words (such as: may, suspected) ”. The terms of 'Affect health/brain' and 'Cancer' are mentioned a lot in the reports. Moreover, the follow-up measures are only conducted within the topic of 'Electromagnetic wave`s problem/struggle and doubts' in news. In many newspapers, the news section and the theme have significant statistical importance. Except for “Apple Daily”, which appeared more in the headlines, spotlights, or important news section, the other three newspapers featured the news on local news section. “Liberty Times” reports more on the actual problem caused by electromagnetic waves, while “Apple Daily” focused more on product information more than the other three newspapers. Regarding the source of the information, “United Daily News” and “Liberty Times” got their information mainly from the people or relevant workers, on the other hand, “China Times” and “Apple Daily” gave no source or unidentified source. On the presentation of risk, all four newspapers talked a lot about what is high-risk, with “China Times” being the most frequent of the four. The content of “Apple Daily” is more diverse, but with further analyses, it is found that when talking about risk, “China Times” leaves more room for imagination while “United Daily News” gave specific descriptions on what is actually affected, and “Apple Daily” and “Liberty Times” talked more about potential problems to highlight the danger of electromagnetic waves. In the qualitative analysis section, huge difference in the proportion of cell phone and its electromagnetic in the news can be found, and most of which not focusing on related electromagnetic waves - only 43 data about it. The news is usually negative, mainly reported in the form of 'scientific reports', the discussion of which was usually attached with the experts’ suggestion and scientific researches. Besides, sometimes there were some contradictory and overstatements within the reports of phone electromagnetic waves. Among those newspapers, the section and theme of news are both statistically significant. The reports of electromagnetic waves were mostly categorized to 'Headline section' in newspaper “Apple Daily”, and put into 'Social section' in other three newspapers. About the news theme, 'Liberty Times' tend to report the problems of electromagnetic waves, and 'Apple Daily' emphasized on 'Product Information' more than the other three newspapers. Regarding the sources, 'United Daily News' and 'Liberty Times' sourced the related news from 'citizens' and 'dealers'; on the other hand, 'China Times' and 'Apple Daily' had more information from 'no sources / unknown sources'. In the presentation of the risk, the four media platforms mentioned the high risks of electromagnetic waves. 'China Times' had the highest proportion of that, while 'Apple Daily' is with more diverse contents. With further analysis, we can find the reports in 'China Times' give no specific conclusion, which makes readers have more space for reflection; 'United Daily News' would describe the detail of the influence of electromagnetic waves, and 'Apple Daily' as well as 'Liberty Times' talked more about potential problems to highlight the danger of electromagnetic waves. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-16T16:21:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ntu-102-R98630010-1.pdf: 5983111 bytes, checksum: f2ccd1336f7718cb34b61134f287485a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 口試委員審定書 …………………………………………………………… i
誌謝 …………………………………………………………………………… ii 中文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………… iii 英文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………… v 第 壹 章 緒 論 ………………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………… 1-4 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 5-6 第三節 研究重要性與貢獻……………………………………… 7-8 第 貳 章 文 獻 探 討…………………………………………………… 9 第一節 電磁波與風險……………………………………………… 9-17 第二節 風險社會與大眾媒體 ………………………………… 18-22 第三節 新聞報導研究…………………………………………… 23-29 第四節 相關研究 ………………………………………………… 30-32 第五節 研究架構與問題………………………………………… 33-35 第 參 章 研 究 方 法………………………………………………… 36 第一節 研究方法選取……………………………………… 36 第二節 資料來源與蒐集方式……………………………… 37-38 第三節 研究類目建構……………………………………… 39-43 第四節 信度檢測與資料分析……………………………… 44-45 第 四 章 資 料 分 析………………………………………………… 46 第一節 電磁波新聞報導整體分析………………………… 46-60 第二節 電磁波新聞報導跨報紙分析……………………… 61-68 第三節 手機與電磁波新聞報導分析……………………… 69-73 第 伍 章 討 論 與 建 議 …………………………………… 74 第一節 研究結果…………………………………………… 74-79 第二節 研究討論與結論…………………………………… 80-93 第三節 研究限制與建議…………………………………… 94-96 參 考 文 獻 …………………………………………………… 97-104 附錄一、編碼表…………………………………………………105-107 附錄二、編碼本…………………………………………………108-115 附錄三、信度檢測 …………………………………………… 116-118 表 目 錄 表2-1-1 ICNIRP之低頻磁場管制規範 …………………………… 11 表3-2-1 各類媒體總閱聽率………………………………………… 37 表3-4-1 電磁波報導文本數量……………………………………… 44 表3-4-2研究統計方法……………………………………………… 45 表4-1-1 電磁波新聞報導基本資料………………………………… 47 表4-1-2 電磁波新聞報導類型……………………………………… 47 表4-1-3 電磁波新聞報導版面……………………………………… 48 表4-1-4 電磁波新聞主題…………………………………………… 49 表4-1-5 電磁波問題/疑慮與抗爭 ………………………………… 50 表4-1-6 產品情報介紹……………………………………………… 50 表4-1-7 電磁波報導的消息來源…………………………………… 51 表4-1-8電磁波報導的風險呈現…………………………………… 52 表4-1-9 電磁波報導中提到「身心影響」之次數…………………… 53 表4-1-10電磁波新聞報導是否提到後續處理方式………………… 54 表4-1-11電磁波新聞報導的後續處理方式………………………… 54 表4-1-12 電磁波新聞主題與消息來源之次數分配 ……………… 58 表4-1-13 電磁波新聞主題與風險呈現之次數分配 ……………… 59 表4-1-14 電磁波消息來源與風險呈現之次數分配 ……………… 60 表4-2-1 電磁波新聞報導類型的報別差異交叉分析……………… 61 表4-2-2電磁波新聞報導版面的報別差異交叉分析……………… 62 表4-2-3電磁波報導的新聞主題與報別的差異交叉分析………… 64 表4-2-4 報別與消息來源之交叉分析表…………………………… 65 表4-2-5 報別與風險呈現之交叉分析表…………………………… 66 表4-2-6 報別與身心影響之交叉分析表 ………………………… 67 表4-3-1 各報紙之「手機」與「手機+電磁波」新聞……………… 69 圖 目 錄 圖2-1電磁頻譜 ……………………………………………………… 10 | |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | |
dc.title | 報紙新聞中的「電磁波」──科技風險取向的分析 | zh_TW |
dc.title | “The Electromagnetic Wave” in Newspapers-A Technological Risk Approach | en |
dc.type | Thesis | | | 101-1 | | | 碩士 | |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 賴守誠,鄭宇君 | |
dc.subject.keyword | 電磁波,科技風險,新聞偏向,媒體,報紙, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | electromagnetic wave,technological risk,news bias,media,newspaper, | en | | 118 | |
dc.rights.note | 有償授權 | | | 2013-01-30 | | | 生物資源暨農學院 | zh_TW | | 生物產業傳播暨發展學研究所 | zh_TW |
Appears in Collections: | 生物產業傳播暨發展學系 |
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