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標題: | 王朝文学の虫と恋─八代集における虫の歌と『源氏物語』─ The Insects and Loves in Dynasty Literature - The Poetry of Insects in'Hachidaishu' and 'Genjimonogatari' |
作者: | Shoou-Jye Yen 嚴守潔 |
指導教授: | 朱秋而(Chiou-Er Ju) |
關鍵字: | 蟲,八代集,源氏物語,王朝文學,文學象徵, insect,Hachidaishu,Genjimonogatari,Dynasty Literature,symbolic significance, |
出版年 : | 2014 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 綜觀古今中外,在文學之中屢屢可見有關蟲的描寫,其象徵的意義隨著時代變化而有所不同。從『日本書紀』、『古事記』、『萬葉集』中的記載可以看到,對於蟲的敘述,多帶有神祕詭異、神聖的形象,這是由於上代人觀察蟲的成長過程,將靜止不動的蛹的形態視為「死亡」,並將羽化視為「再生」,神奇的力量,讓古代人將蟲視為具有「非人間界」性質的神靈。
到了平安時代,戀歌中的蟲多具有擬人特性,例如和歌中將鳴叫聲視為人的哭泣聲的秋蟲、為愛情奮不顧身的夏蟲、代表薄情的蟬翼、把光芒視為靈魂出竅的螢火蟲、感受秋天到來的蟋蟀與促織、代表等待與帶有祝賀意義的松蟲、代表緣分已盡的蜘蛛絲等等。有關和歌中蟲意象的探討,目前所知的先行研究多從平安和歌文學受到漢詩影響作為主要方向,與上代人對蟲的原始看法少有著墨,然而透過和歌的逐一考察,發現和歌中的蟲具有漢詩中所沒有的意象,這是由於日本在接受漢文學之前,已具有上代原始對蟲的看法的緣故。 『源氏物語』中,也可見利用蟲描繪王朝貴族生活及人物的例子,例如冷漠的女子「空蟬」、或是以「鈴蟲」鳴叫聲形容佳人優美的嗓音、抑或利用「螢火蟲」的微光一窺女子的容貌等等描述,都顯現出蟲營造故事氣氛的重要性。本論文以『古今集』為首的八代集中的蟲和歌為主,探討各種的蟲意象。同時比較『源氏物語』中的例子,試從和歌與物語的文學表現中,發現蟲的描寫在日本傳統美意識中的重要性。 In the ancient and modern, home and abroad, descriptions of insects have often been seen in literature. Symbolic significance changes with time. In『Nihon shoki (日本書紀)』、『Kojiki (古事記)』、『Man'yōshū (萬葉集)』, there are mysterious strange and sacred images of insects. The main idea is that ancient people took pupation as “death”, and took eclosion as “rebirth”. They thought insects have sacred spirit which is different from human beings because of the magic power. The insects are being written not only in the Japanese but every culture. the symbolic significance of insects is more variety in Japanese Literature after it had been infected by Chinese Literature. Therefore, there are some symbolic significance found only in Japanese Literature. The purpose of this study is to explore the uniqueness before it had been infected by Chinese Literature. Taking “Genjimonogatari” and Waka as objects of this study, it shows that the symbolic significance of insects was originated from Japanese traditional viewpoints, and is important in Japanese traditional aesthetics. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/56477 |
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顯示於系所單位: | 日本語文學系 |
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