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dc.contributor.advisor | 馬鴻文(Hwong-Wen Ma) | | | Hui-Ting Wu | en | | 吳惠婷 | zh_TW | | 2021-06-15T04:25:02Z | - | | 2011-09-02 | | | 2009-09-02 | | | 2009 | | | 2009-08-24 | |
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dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 根據能源局統計2007年台灣電力發電結構,燃煤發電占比為53.6%,由能源局公佈中長程電源開發計畫,至2025年,我國燃煤發電佔比為43.18%,在未來二十年內,燃煤發電仍為我國主要電力來源。而根據2007年重金屬排放清冊統計,燃煤發電為我國主要重金屬排放來源,因此本研究結合能源流分析與燃煤電廠風險評估,探討燃煤電廠供給電力所造成之健康風險。本研究探討燃煤電力現況與未來燃煤電源開發規劃兩個情境。
在風險評估結果的部分,現況-基線年燃煤電廠,致癌風險範圍在1.88E-09至7.80E-07之間,非致癌風險在3.45E-05至1.23E-02之間;電源開發規劃情境,致癌風險在8.05E-09至3.45E-06之間,非致癌風險在2.40E-04至2.23E-02之間。電源開發規劃情境,更新的各燃煤電廠之風險,因發電量的增加,而有增高的趨勢。各燃煤電廠致癌風險貢獻主要途徑為吸入,致癌風險貢獻主要污染物為砷;非致癌風險貢獻主要途徑為吸入;風險貢獻主要污染物為砷及汞。 以各燃煤電廠發電量及風險評估結果,估算單位發電量風險,基線年各電廠的單位發電量致癌風險以深澳電廠基隆市最高,為1.12E-17/度-年;電源開發情境單位發電量致癌風險以林口電廠桃園縣最高,為6.83E-18/度-年。單位發電量致癌風險越高之電廠,發電產生的環境衝擊越高,因此和平電廠與林口電廠發電會造成較高的環境衝擊。 最後結合電力流與單位發電量風險,估算額外風險承擔,基線年以和平電廠額外致癌風險承擔1.97E-07最高;電源開發情境以大林電廠額外致癌風險承擔最高為2.19E-07。燃煤電力規劃應避免較高的額外風險承擔。為了有效降低區域風險,在電力規劃上應減低大林電廠及和平電廠的電力供給。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | According to the statistics and the development plan of Bureau of Energy in Taiwan, powering by coal is 53.6% in 2007 and 43.18% in 2025. Based on the results, generating by coal will still be the main power source in Taiwan in the next 20 years. Moreover, the main source of heavy metal is coal-fired power plant was confirmed by “The project of emission investigation and draft control strategy of air toxic pollutants from the stationary sources” in 2007. In order to quantify the harm from coal-fired power plant, energy flow analysis and risk assessment were combined in this study.
Two scenarios were discussed in this study–coal-fired power development programming in the current and future scenarios. The results are showed as risks and hazard quotients(HQ). And the risks are between 1.61E-09 and 1.43E-06 and the hazard quotients are between 3.45E-05 and 1.94E-02 in current scenarios. Risks are between 1.61E-09 and 1.43E-06 and the hazard quotients are between 3.45E-05 and 1.94E-02 in future scenarios. The risks in the future scenarios are greater than in the current, that because the power generation in the future is higher than in the current. The major route is inhalation. And the major contaminations are Arsenic and Mercury. Based on the risks and HQ, the per power generation risk was calculated with power generation. In current scenarios, per power generation risk at Hoping power plant in Hulien is 1.12E-17/ KWH-Year; in future scenarios and he highest per power generation risk is 6.83E-18/ KWH-Year at Linkou power plant in Taoyuan .The environmental impact increases with the per power generation risk, so Hoping power plant and Linkou power plant make the greater environmental impacts. Finally, the extra-risk burden was estimated by electric flow analysis and per power generation risk. In current scenario, the extra- risk burden at Hoping power plant in Hulien is 1.97E-07 ; in future scenarios, the extra- risk burden in Dalin power plant in Kaohsiung is 2.19E-07.And the high extra-risk burden should be avoided in coal power development programming. In order to reduce the extra- risk burden efficiently, power supply from Hoping power plant and Dalin power plant should be decreased. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-15T04:25:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ntu-98-R96541210-1.pdf: 2587870 bytes, checksum: 4038ed6aeb7374db801487b1b3299856 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 誌謝 i
摘要 ii Abstract iv 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 1 1.3 研究架構 2 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 台灣燃煤發電概況 4 2.1.1 燃煤發電供給現況 4 2.1.2 未來燃煤發電發展規劃 5 2.2. 燃煤電廠汙染排放 8 2.2.1 燃煤電廠的健康危害 8 2.2.2 燃煤過程的重金屬排放 8 2.2.3 我國電廠燃煤來源 12 2.2.4 我國燃煤電廠重金屬排放情況 13 2.2.5 燃煤電廠排放重金屬毒性資料 14 2.3 健康風險評估 20 2.3.1 健康風險評估簡述 20 2.3.2 重金屬健康風險評估 20 2.3.3 累積性風險評估 22 2.4 能源流分析 24 2.4.1 能源流分析簡述 24 2.4.2 能源流分析應用於電力供給與消費結構之探討 25 第三章 研究方法 26 3.1 研究內容與情境 26 3.1.1 研究流程 26 3.2 能源流分析 30 3.2.1 燃煤電力流 31 3.3 健康風險評估 38 3.3.1 危害性鑑定 39 3.3.2 劑量反應評估 40 3.3.3 暴露評估 41 3.3.4 風險量化 43 3.3.5 不確定性分析 44 3.4 結合風險評估與能源流分析 45 3.4.1 健康風險與發電量相關性分析 45 3.4.2 區域承擔風險分析 45 第四章 結果與討論 47 4.1 台灣燃煤電力流供需探討 47 4.1.1 基線年燃煤電力流 47 4.1.2 電源開發規劃情境燃煤電力流 54 4.1.3 兩情境燃煤電力流綜合比較 61 4.2 台灣既有燃煤電廠健康風險探討 65 4.2.1 燃煤電廠健康風險分析 65 4.2.2 基線年燃煤電廠風險評估結果比較與探討 75 4.2.3 台灣燃煤電廠總健康風險分佈 83 4.2.4 燃煤發電量與風險相關性分析 91 4.3 台灣未來燃煤電廠健康風險探討 95 4.3.1 電源開發規劃燃煤電廠風險 95 4.3.2 更新燃煤電廠風險評估結果比較分析 98 4.3.3 未來情境燃煤電廠發電量與風險相關性分析 101 4.3.4 基線年與開發情境健康風險之比較 103 4.4 台灣燃煤電廠健康衝擊負荷分析 107 4.4.1 基線年區域性風險承擔分析 107 4.4.2 電源開發規劃情境區域性風險承擔分析 109 4.4.3 基線年及未來電源開發情境燃煤發電額外風險承擔分析比較 112 第五章 結果與討論 118 5.1 結論 118 5.2 建議 120 參考文獻 122 附錄 127 | |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | |
dc.title | 結合健康風險評估與能源流分析探討台灣燃煤發電規劃之健康衝擊 | zh_TW |
dc.title | Combining Energy Flow Analysis and Health Risk Assessment to Evaluate the Health Impact of Coal Fire Power Plants Development Strategy in Taiwan | en |
dc.type | Thesis | | | 97-2 | | | 碩士 | |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 李公哲(Kung-Cheh Li),張慶源(Ching-Yuan Chang) | |
dc.subject.keyword | 燃煤電廠,重金屬,能源流分析,健康風險評估,環境衝擊負荷, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | Coal-fired Power Plant,Heavy Metals,Energy Flow Analysis,Health Risk Assessment,Environment Impact Burden, | en | | 165 | |
dc.rights.note | 有償授權 | | | 2009-08-24 | | | 工學院 | zh_TW | | 環境工程學研究所 | zh_TW |
Appears in Collections: | 環境工程學研究所 |
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