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dc.contributor.advisor | 林萬億 | |
dc.contributor.author | Hsiao-Wen Wen | en |
dc.contributor.author | 温筱雯 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-06-13T15:19:03Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2008-08-04 | |
dc.date.copyright | 2008-08-04 | |
dc.date.issued | 2008 | |
dc.date.submitted | 2008-07-24 | |
dc.identifier.citation | 中文部份
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dc.identifier.uri | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/37091 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 民國96年3月6日,《家庭暴力防治法修正案》在立法院三讀通過,將現有或曾有「同居關係」者納入家暴法所定的「家庭成員」。「同志伴侶」適用家暴法的家庭成員。看似同志人權的保障又更進一步,同性伴侶被納入家庭暴力的保護傘當中,但從法令到政策,政策到實務服務之間,還存在著重重的落差。為了因應法案的通過,家庭暴力防治與倡導體系與服務提供者,以及同志社群,也就面臨了新的挑戰。現有的體系是否已經準備好面對這些早已經存在,只是在於隱諱的櫃子中的新族群?在對同性戀恐懼、異性戀中心的社會當中,體系是否又有足夠的敏感度與正確健康的態度,提供具案主中心的適切服務?社會是否能夠提供一個受暴女同志敢於求助而不需要擔心性傾向曝光壓力的服務機制?本研究欲經由當事人為主體的詮釋,描繪出女同志伴侶親密暴力關係的真實樣貌。並且藉由研究發現經歷女同志伴侶親密暴力者的求助型態與因應方式,提供作為政府、家庭暴力防治體系、婦女團體、同志社群等,建置合適的女同志伴侶親密暴力受害者的政策與服務模式的參考。
本研究結合家庭暴力觀點與女性主義觀點,將兩人的關係放置在外在社會脈絡之下,並以兩個人的特質輔助解釋關係的動力,將親密暴力與因應策略與這三者連結。並且透過質性研究的深度訪談法,透過研究者私人網絡、同志遊行活動、以及同志網路社群招募到十位曾經經歷女同志伴侶親密暴力受訪者,以當事人自己敘說,發聲的方式,探詢其真實親密暴力經驗與暴力發生時以及發生後的因應策略。 研究結果發現親密暴力確實存在於女同志伴侶之間,且其嚴重程度不亞於異性戀伴侶間的親密暴力。暴力只發生在T對婆的身上或是暴力是互毆的,都在研究中證實只是觀念上的迷思。而暴力的形式類似於異性戀伴侶間的暴力,同樣有肢體暴力、精神暴力與性暴力,其中精神暴力的形式,呈現一種較為細緻而具傷害性的樣態。暴力事件發生的頻率,存在著類似於異性戀伴侶親密暴力的暴力循環週期,暴力多半發生在關係穩定期之後,並且有越趨嚴重的趨勢。暴力發生的地點除了在私領域的家中之外,由於社會大眾的冷漠與不在意,也讓暴力可能發生在公共場域當中。親密暴力的背後有一些相同而類似的因素,包括施暴者與受暴者的特質、過去曾經經歷或目睹家庭暴力或親密暴力的經驗的影響。而伴侶之間的關係動力也有些相同的經驗,諸如:矛盾的融合關係、不平衡的權力關係、既競爭又佔有的關係、兩個人背景的極大差異、對於關係的未來感、伴侶關係中多次的分分合合等。在社會層面的脈絡因素中,由於受到性傾向與性別雙重弱勢的影響,這些有親密暴力的女同志伴侶經常處於孤立的情境之中,施暴者或受暴者有對性別角色的僵化思想,以及內化的恐同症。這些因素影響暴力的發生,更影響當事人日後選擇採取何種因應策略的抉擇。 在經歷女同志親密暴力當事人的因應策略上,最主要都是採取個人取向的因應,在消極層面,有些受暴者只是默默哭泣,或是用自殺或自殘來終止暴力;較為積極的方式,受暴者可能設法離開暴力現場,或是以暴力回擊的方式終止暴力,或是試圖結束這段暴力關係,有些則在非爭吵期,與施暴者協商或約定不再使用暴力,或是討論該怎樣處理引發衝突的議題。向外界求助的部份,最多求助於友人、伴侶的前女友,其次才是正式系統的精神醫療與原生家庭的親人。在向外界求助之時,女同志當事人最在乎的是受求助者對於同性性傾向的看法,才決定是否向其求助。向非正式支持系統求助,最經常獲得的是情緒上的支持,但在許多受求助者勸和或是勸分手的情況下,求助者並沒有得到太多實質上的幫助。而向正式系統的求助選擇,當事人希望能求助的是比較能為其保有隱私,且注重個別化的服務方式。 根據以上研究發現,本研究提出幾點建議。首先在政策與制度面,首要改變主流社會對同志與同志親密暴力的觀感,而方式可以從教育、媒體、政策宣示著手,另外提出一些法令上的改革,包括:頒訂《家庭暴力防治法》施行細則同志篇,以及倡議同志婚姻合法化。在實務與方案層面,研究者認為首要進行家庭暴力防治體系跨專業人員的協調整合與再教育工作,而在受暴者服務方案的部份,應當由社會工作者擔任個案管理的角色,提供資源連結,服務模式可採用團體工作的方式。此外,對於目前缺乏的女同志親密暴力緊急救援系統的設立,以及女同志自殺防治工作。因應受暴者的特質,應該對留在關係中的女同志的提供適切的服務,另外也提出對施暴者服務方案。在這服務網絡中,同志組織及團體應該扮演紮根於社區的角色,增加同志對組織團體的歸屬感,以提供服務的可近性與可及性,以回應女同志伴侶在經歷親密暴力之後,無法向外界述說的困境。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Last year, the amendment of “Domestic Violence Law” was adopted. The one who had now or once ' lived together ' was included in the meaning of family's members, so leabian and gay relationships were also fit into it. But, there was not enought complete set of policy or practice service. There were new challenges for LGBT community, service provider, and police maker. Whether the existing systems have already got ready or not? In the society of homophobia and heterosexism, do the systems have enough correct attitudes, and can they offer the appropriate service? This research wants to be the explanatory of the domestic violence within lesbian partners themselves. And explain the way they go through. With the finding, I wish could offer the anti-violence system, feminist, LGBT community some apporiate suggestions.
This research combines family's violence view and feminism view, and with the view putting the lesbian relationships under the whole social context. This research used the qualitative research method, and through depth interview ten lesbian who had experienced domestice violence, throught the stories they told to collect the reaearch data. The result of this study finds that the intimate violence really exists between two woman's companion, and its atrocity is not ruthless to the domestic violence among the heterosexual companions. The forms of the violence are similar to the violence among the heterosexual companions; they are physical violence, psychology violence and also sexual violence. The psychology violence was kind of comparatively meticulous but injury. The frequency of violence exists in some kind of circulated cycle, and it is similar to the heterosexual one. Mostly, the violence takes place after the steady period of relationship, and has the tendency to become more and more serious. There are some similar factors between homosexual and hetersexual domestic violence, including the characteristics of perpetraters and vicitims, the one who experience violence may ever go through or witness family violence or intimate violence before. And the motive power between the relationships also has some similarity. There were also some difference because of different sexual orientation, for example the lesbian partners are often in an isolated situation, the power between them were more fluid , and some couplea may compete with each other. Those factors influence the strategics they choose to go through. The most often strategics they choosen to cope with were personal orientation. On a passivism aspect, some are just cried quietly, some came into commit suicide thought. In a comparatively positive way, one may try to leave the violence situation, or try to stop violence by fighting back, or try to negotiate with perpetrater about the point which cause the conflicts. In the part of seeking help to the external world, the one they seek for help must already know and accept their sexual orientation, inculding hetersexual friends, homosexual friends, perpetrater’s ex-girlfriend, and their original family members.And, they gave emotional supports mostly. While turning to seek help of formal system, the most important things they care is personal confidentiality and the one they seek for help cares about their individual differences. According to the research findings above, there were some suggestions for the policy and the practice. First of all, changing the impressions of mainstream society about the domestic violence in lesbian relationships is the most important thing, and this can through education, media, and policy declare. In judical reform, I propose the legalization of LGBT Marriage Law. In practice aspect, I suggest that the coordination of difference professional systems, combine with educational and training program. The social worker should be the role of case management, offer available resources linkage. In addition, practicer should carry out suicidal preventation and to be client-centerd thought to provide appropriate services for those who choose to stay in relationships. I also propose provide services for the perpetrater, too. In this service network, GLBT organizations and groups should play the role of providing service for community, and increase the sense of ownership in order to providing a way that LGBT community members can reach. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-13T15:19:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ntu-97-R93330006-1.pdf: 1519716 bytes, checksum: 03d0537ae331e2e6c4e3a951a18888bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 論文審定書………………………………………………………………i
謝誌………………………………………………………………………ii 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………iv 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………vi 第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究緣起與目的…………………………………………………1 第二章 文獻檢視…………….…………………………………………10 第一節 女同志伴侶親密關係…………………………………………10 壹、女同志伴侶中的融合與獨立議題……………………………11 貳、女同志伴侶間的權力與平等議題……………………………18 參、女同志伴侶所處的污名環境…………………………………21 第二節 女同志伴侶間的親密暴力……………………………………26 壹、女同志伴侶間的親密暴力:解構與重新建構………………26 貳、女同志親密暴力盛行率:數據上的差異……………………30 參、女同志親密暴力的原因:綜融式的觀點……………………47 肆、女同志親密暴力研究:典範的轉移…………………………49 伍、女同志親密暴力發生後的因應策略與求助經驗……………55 第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………62 第一節 研究設計………………………………………………………62 壹、採用質性研究取向……………………………………………62 貳、採取深度訪談法為主要方法…………………………………63 第二節 研究參與者……………………………………………………65 壹、研究對象取樣原則……………………………………………65 貳、研究對象界定與本研究的受訪者……………………………65 參、研究對象的來源管道…………………………………………68 第三節 研究工具………………………………………………………70 壹、訪談大綱………………………………………………………70 貳、實地日誌………………………………………………………71 第四節 研究進行步驟…………………………………………………71 第五節 研究的嚴謹性…………………………………………………73 第六節 研究倫理上的考量……………………………………………75 第七節 研究者的角色…………………………………………………78 第四章 研究結果分析…………………………………………………82 第一節 彩虹烏托邦裡的秘密:十位經歷親密暴力女同志的故事…84 壹、Naomi的故事:被囚禁在籠中的鳥…………………………84 貳、Mavis的故事:捉摸不定的藝術家…………………………86 參、Caroline的故事:彷彿背負了兩個生命……………………88 肆、Virginia的故事:她要我只能當她的洋娃娃………………90 伍、Prudence的故事:天壤地別的愛情…………………………92 陸、Amanda的故事:愛恨交織何時盡,傷痛卻早已造成………94 柒、Sherry的故事:期待著一個更平等的關係…………………96 捌、Rita的故事:斷了線的理智…………………………………98 玖、Zora的故事:欺騙、傷害與背叛交織的感情……………100 拾、Elma的故事:不敢再陷入一段關係………………………101 拾壹、小結………………………………………………………103 第二節 女同志伴侶親密暴力的樣態………………………………105 壹、女同志伴侶親密暴力的形式………………………………105 貳、暴力發生的時間與地點……………………………………118 參、互毆?抑或是受暴者的反擊?……………………………122 肆、小結…………………………………………………………124 第三節 女同志伴侶親密暴力的脈絡………………………………127 壹、個人層面的脈絡……………………………………………127 貳、關係層面的脈絡……………………………………………136 參、社會層面的脈絡……………………………………………156 肆、小結…………………………………………………………160 第四節 經驗女同志親密暴力者的影響與因應方式………………166 壹、經歷親密暴力對個人的影響………………………………167 貳、經歷親密暴力的女同志的因應策略………………………174 參、為什麼受暴者選擇留在關係中?…………………………191 肆、對缺乏的服務體系與制度的想像與期望…………………194 伍、小結…………………………………………………………196 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………200 第一節 研究結論……………………………………………………200 壹、女同志伴侶間親密暴力的真實樣貌………………………200 貳、女同志親密暴力背後的脈絡因素…………………………204 參、經驗親密暴力女同志的因應策略之探討…………………210 第二節 研究建議……………………………………………………212 壹、政策與制度面的建議………………………………………212 貳、實務與方案面的建議………………………………………216 第三節 研究限制與研究展望………………………………………221 壹、研究對象特性下選樣多元化的限制………………………221 貳、資料蒐集的限制……………………………………………222 參、研究展望……………………………………………………223 後記:回顧與反思……………………………………………………225 參考文獻中文部份……………………………………………………227 參考文獻外文部分……………………………………………………228 附錄一:訪談大綱……………………………………………………234 附錄二:招募受訪者宣傳單…………………………………………236 附錄三:訪談邀請函…………………………………………………237 圖 表 次 圖. 2-1 關係模式圖…………………………………………………12 表. 2-1 女同志伴侶親密暴力盛行率實證研究整理………………33 表. 3-1 本研究的受訪者基本資料表………………………………66 表. 3-2 判斷研究嚴謹度或值得信任度的標準……………………74 | |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | |
dc.title | 不能說的秘密:女同志伴侶親密暴力經驗與因應策略之研究 | zh_TW |
dc.title | No More Secret: Domestic Violence Experience in Lesbian Relationships and Their Coping Strategics | en |
dc.type | Thesis | |
dc.date.schoolyear | 96-2 | |
dc.description.degree | 碩士 | |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 潘淑滿,趙彥寧 | |
dc.subject.keyword | 女同志伴侶,親密暴力,因應策略,矛盾融合關係,權力控制,競爭關係,孤立情境, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | Lesbian Relationship,Domestic Violence,Coping Strategics,Ambivalent Fusion,Power and Control,Competance Relationship,Isolation Situation, | en |
dc.relation.page | 237 | |
dc.rights.note | 有償授權 | |
dc.date.accepted | 2008-07-24 | |
dc.contributor.author-college | 社會科學院 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author-dept | 社會工作學研究所 | zh_TW |
顯示於系所單位: | 社會工作學系 |
檔案 | 大小 | 格式 | |
ntu-97-1.pdf 目前未授權公開取用 | 1.48 MB | Adobe PDF |