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dc.contributor.advisor | 王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang) | | | Yi-Ting Kuo | en | | 郭宜婷 | zh_TW | | 2021-06-08T03:50:58Z | - | | 2020-12-25 | | | 2020 | | | 2020-12-22 | |
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dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 本文考察臺北都市養蜂的自然工作與 社群凝聚, 嘗試在目前生態城市與都市養蜂作為促進自然的主流論述之外 ,描繪複雜多樣的人與自然(蜜蜂)關係。 研究以社區大學養蜂班、 養蜂推廣活動及由養蜂人組成的網路社群為主要田野,透過 參與觀察、訪談及檔分析,呈現人與蜜蜂在社群網絡中的互動型態。首先介紹臺灣養蜂產業的發展脈絡與歷史轉折,說明都市養蜂的出現契機。而後 探討在目前的養蜂文獻或工具書中,蜜蜂如何被人類對象化、知識化和操作化,以及都市養蜂自然工作中的操作模式、空間配置與物質基礎,反映人類意欲對蜜蜂施加的寵愛與控制。然而,蜜蜂的能動性和社會環境的不穩定使人類無法完全控制自然,這之中 突顯出人、蜜蜂與自然的矛盾與張力。 作為野生動物的蜜蜂,在不同人群的意義賦予下,成為既是畜產動物又是寵物的曖昧存在。基於蜂種習性、自然實作與推廣路線的差 異,養蜂也成為凝聚社群的中介物。不過,養蜂社群並非均質的網絡是不斷劃界且時而競爭或合作的論述場域。同時,養蜂也成為人們心中的投射物,回應了人類欲親近自然的渴望,並折射出不同性別與世代對養蜂認知及態度的差異。 最後,本文以「伸縮自如的愛」探討在都市養蜂中 人與自然 (蜜蜂)關係的僵固性與可能性,歸納自然工作的四種類型, 指出人與蜜蜂的相互勞動或許能促成更友善的跨物種協作關係,有助於人與非人動物邁向悅納異己的共同未來。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | his article aims to explore the natural work and community cohesion of urban beekeeping in Taipei, and attempts to depict the complex and diverse human-nature bees relationship based on the current mainstream discourse of eco-city and urban beekeeping as the promotion of nature.The author uses Community University beekeeping classes, urban beekeeping promotion activities, and network communities composed of beekeepers as the main fields. Through participating observations, interviews, and document analysis, the author describes the interaction patterns between people and bees in social networks. This article introduces the development context and historical transition of beekeeping industry in Taiwan, explains the emergence of urban beekeeping, and discusses how bees are objectified, intellectualized and operationalized by humans in current beekeeping literature or reference books. The operation mode, spatial configuration and material basis of urban beekeeping work reflect the love and control that humans intend to exert on bees. However, the agency of bees and the instability of the social environment make humans unable to absolutely control the nature, which represents the paradox and tension between humans and bees. As a wild animal, bees have become ambiguous beings that are both livestock animals and pets because of the meaning given by different groups of people. Based on the differences in bee species habits, natural practices and promotion routes, beekeeping has also become an intermediary for community cohering. However, the beekeeping communities are not homogeneous networks, but the field of discourse which continuous demarcating and sometimes competiting or cooperating. At the same time, beekeeping has also become a projection in people's hearts, responding to humans' desire to get close to nature ,and refracting differences in cognition and attitudes towards beekeeping among different genders and generations. Finally, this article uses 'flexible love' to explore the rigidity and possibility of the human-nature bees relationship in urban beekeeping, summarizes four types of natural work, and proposes that the mutual labor of humans and bees may become a more friendly cross-species collaborative relationship, which will help humans and non-human animals to move toward a future of hospitality. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-08T03:50:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 U0001-2112202018061700.pdf: 10607503 bytes, checksum: abf1cd3ae91829168b755dc7c363a765 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2020 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 第一章 導論 .................................................................................................................. 1 第一節 研究動機與問題意識 ............................................................................................... 1 第二節 文獻回顧 ................................................................................................................... 3 第三節 分析架構:生產之鏡 ............................................................................................. 10 第四節 研究設計與方法 ..................................................................................................... 12 第五節 章節編排與說明 ..................................................................................................... 19 第二章 話蜂:在畜產與寵物之間? ........................................................................ 21 第一節 從藥品到食品 ......................................................................................................... 21 第二節 養蜂事業的興衰起落 ............................................................................................. 23 第三節 宜養蜂:都市何以成為養蜂基地? ..................................................................... 27 第四節 照書養、照豬養?難以指南化的養蜂知識 ......................................................... 33 第三章 養蜂:都市中的自然工作 ............................................................................ 45 第一節 塑造自然:蜂箱、蜂場、養蜂人 ......................................................................... 46 第二節 似寵非寵?愛與控制 ............................................................................................. 54 第三節 能動、自動,蜂動無法掌控? ............................................................................. 66 第四節 失序還是自然? ..................................................................................................... 72 第四章 友蜂:以蜂為友的社群凝聚 .......................................................................... 75 第一節 打造蜂旅館的公民計畫 ......................................................................................... 75 第二節 養蜂也在養社群 ..................................................................................................... 80 第三節 分享與較勁:網路大觀園 ..................................................................................... 96 第四節 眾聲喧嘩的養蜂社群 ........................................................................................... 106 第五章 應心?紓解當代生活之疾 ............................................................................ 109 第一節 無閒好:自己做ê尚芳 ....................................................................................... 110 第二節 護生也修身:推己及人的實踐 ........................................................................... 121 第三節 有田有蜂:療癒中帶點憂鬱 ............................................................................... 131 第四節 攸關「自然」 ....................................................................................................... 142 第六章 以蜂之名:都市社會空間的再生產 ............................................................ 147 第一節 創造自然:養蜂沒有完全自然之處? ............................................................... 147 第二節 自然工作:輕薄的假象X伸縮自在的愛 .......................................................... 148 第三節 悅納異己:從社群凝聚邁向跨物種協作? ....................................................... 151 第四節 後記:其實,我無法成為一名養蜂人 ............................................................... 153 參考文獻 ...................................................................................................................... 155 附錄一 S社大-城市養蜂體驗課程大綱 ............................................................... 161 附錄二 X社大-城市養蜂體驗課程大綱 .............................................................. 162 附錄三 養蜂相關詞彙 .............................................................................................. 163 | |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | |
dc.title | 以蜂之名:都市養蜂的自然工作與社群凝聚 | zh_TW |
dc.title | In the Name of Bees:The Nature Work and Community Cohesion of Urban Beekeeping | en |
dc.type | Thesis | | | 109-1 | | | 碩士 | |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 呂欣怡(Hsin-Yi Lu),簡妤儒(Yu-Ju Chien) | |
dc.subject.keyword | 都市養蜂,蜂,自然工作,社群凝聚,人與動物關係研究, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | urban beekeeping,bees,nature work,community cohesion,human-animal relationship, | en | | 165 | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.6342/NTU202004440 | |
dc.rights.note | 未授權 | | | 2020-12-22 | | | 工學院 | zh_TW | | 建築與城鄉研究所 | zh_TW |
Appears in Collections: | 建築與城鄉研究所 |
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