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dc.contributor.advisor | Su-Hua Lee | en | | 張紫茹 | zh_TW | | Tzu-Ju Chang | en | | 2024-07-26T16:10:07Z | - | | 2024-07-27 | - | | 2024-07-26 | - | | 2024 | - | | 2024-07-22 | - |
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dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 數位經濟蓬勃發展,數位工具使用、研發越常見於企業營運策略,其中著重於數據治理、AI技術為工具兩大趨勢,如資料庫、社交媒體帳戶、AI演算法等常見之數位經濟商業模式技術、應用,故本文欲探討就企業與資料觀點,為何、如何以營業秘密保護此些客體。
首先係學說文獻部分,回顧國際、學術間關於營業秘密學說與定性之討論,並嘗試以企業管理領域的企業異質性、產品生命週期,針對企業、資料二者進行營業秘密案件中三要件認定之寬嚴標準,併以目前營業秘密學說較新穎的放棄營業秘密概念,討論在經濟價值之要件上可能需更具體認定。而為了解技術所在國之最初爭議,故選擇以美國法作為法實踐討論。 接續因本文核心為數位經濟,故就其發展脈絡、基礎與特徵介紹。現國際趨勢係討論數據治理與AI標準,以及進入數據治理階段後,市場優勢開始轉向以商業模式創新增強企業之競爭優勢、異質化,而非單一產品創新。則呈現以此二面向為選定營業秘密討論案件客體之原因,並聚焦其商業模式特性,作為討論案件標準背景。 在數據治理部分,企業常以資料庫、社交媒體帳戶作為營運、行銷、產品服務分析之重要工具,故以此二為營業秘密案件討論客體,並分析其他競合可能、日本法與歐盟法的其他措施。 在AI領域部分,因正面臨AI 監管之國際趨勢,針對AI演算法將賦予透明度義務,選擇聚焦對應的AI應用本身之AI演算法、非其輸出成果,以案件列舉過往要件情形,並探討可能的隱憂與本文觀點。 最後為我國法院營業秘密判決之實證,認為認定有無營業秘密與要件標準抽象或有文獻回顧中討論的問題,因此未來如面臨數位經濟相關案件,綜合全球AI產業方為初步商用階段、國家策略考量、思考支持創新的潛在利益、前述企業與資料觀點等原因,盼法院能更細緻化處理營業秘密保護之認定。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The digital economy is flourishing, and the use and development of digital tools are becoming more common in corporate operational strategies. Two major trends focus on data governance and AI technology as tools, such as databases, social media accounts, and AI algorithms, which are commonly seen technologies and applications in the digital economy business model. This paper aims to explore why and how to protect these subjects as trade secrets from the perspectives of enterprises and data.
Firstly, in the literature review, we examine the international and academic discussions on the doctrines and definitions of trade secrets. We attempt to apply concepts from the field of business management, such as firm heterogeneity and product life cycles, to establish the criteria for determining the three elements of trade secret cases concerning enterprises and data. Additionally, we discuss the relatively novel concept of abandoning trade secrets within the trade secret doctrine and how it may require more concrete identification in terms of economic value. And to understand the initial disputes in the country where the technology is located, we choose to discuss U.S. law as a practical legal reference. Following this, we introduce the development context, foundations, and characteristics of the digital economy, as this is the core of our paper. The current international trend is to discuss data governance and AI standards. After entering the stage of data governance, market advantages are shifting towards enhancing corporate competitiveness and heterogeneity through innovative business models rather than single product innovation. This explains the reason for selecting these two aspects as the subjects of discussion in trade secret cases and focuses on the characteristics of their business models as the background for case discussions. In the data governance section, enterprises often use databases and social media accounts as important tools for operations, marketing, and product service analysis. Therefore, these two are chosen as the subjects for trade secret case discussions, and other competitive measures and regulations in Japanese and EU law are also analyzed. In the AI field, due to the international trend of AI regulation, where AI algorithms are required to be transparent, we choose to focus on the AI algorithms corresponding to AI applications themselves, rather than their output results. We illustrate past elements of trade secret cases and discuss possible concerns and perspectives. Finally, based on empirical studies of trade secret judgments by courts in our country, we observe that there may be issues with the abstraction of criteria or problems discussed in the literature when determining the existence of trade secrets. Therefore, facing future cases related to the digital economy, considering the preliminary commercial stage of the global AI industry, national strategic considerations, the potential benefits of innovative thinking, and the aforementioned perspectives on enterprises and data, we hope that courts can handle the identification of trade secret protection more meticulously. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Submitted by admin ntu ( on 2024-07-26T16:10:07Z No. of bitstreams: 0 | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2024-07-26T16:10:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 謝辭 ............................................................................................................................................. i
摘要 ............................................................................................................................................ ii Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... iii 目次 ............................................................................................................................................ v 圖次 ........................................................................................................................................... ix 表次 ............................................................................................................................................ x 第一章 緒論 .............................................................................................................................. 1 第一節 研究動機 .............................................................................................................. 1 第二節 研究方法與範圍 .................................................................................................. 2 第一項 文獻回顧法 .................................................................................................. 3 第二項 比較法 .......................................................................................................... 3 第三項 實證研究法與研究範圍 .............................................................................. 3 第三節 本文架構 .............................................................................................................. 4 第二章 營業秘密保護目的、權利定性之論理 ...................................................................... 6 第一節 營業秘密保護之國際實踐 .................................................................................. 6 第一項 TRIPs ............................................................................................................ 6 第二項 歐盟作法與指令 .......................................................................................... 8 第三項 二者差異與影響 ........................................................................................ 18 第四項 英美法系與大陸法系差異 ........................................................................ 19 第五項 美國法之實踐情況 .................................................................................... 20 第二節 營業秘密之保護目的 ........................................................................................ 22 第三節 營業秘密之權利定性 ........................................................................................ 23 第一項 權利說與利益說 ........................................................................................ 23 第二項 契約法觀點 ................................................................................................ 24 第三項 財產權觀點 ................................................................................................ 24 第四項 侵權行為法思考 ........................................................................................ 24 第五項 以智財法獨立保護優勢、與專利權比較 ................................................ 25 第六項 不正競爭法觀點 ........................................................................................ 26 第七項 各國採取觀點概況 .................................................................................... 27 第八項 營業秘密的放棄概念 ................................................................................ 28 第四節 公司性質觀點 .................................................................................................... 30 第一項 資源基礎理論、組織生命週期:公司異質性與競爭優勢 .................... 31 第二項 公司內部:員工流動性漸升、企業與員工誠信問題 ............................ 34 第三項 動態流程,個案判斷 ................................................................................ 36 第五節 結論 .................................................................................................................... 36 第三章 數位經濟發展與我國市場應用 ................................................................................ 38 第一節 數位經濟的基礎與特徵 .................................................................................... 38 第一項 數位經濟本質與特徵 ................................................................................ 38 第二項 對現代經濟之影響 .................................................................................... 40 第三項 數位經濟之生命週期管理 ........................................................................ 42 第二節 數位經濟趨勢與實踐應用 ................................................................................ 44 第一項 數據驅動 .................................................................................................... 45 第二項 人工智慧發展 ............................................................................................ 46 第三節 我國市場運用與政策支持 ................................................................................ 48 第一項 我國數位經濟市場的現狀與挑戰 ............................................................ 48 第二項 政策推動簡介 ............................................................................................ 51 第四章 營業秘密保護客體的特殊討論一:數位工具之數據與帳戶 ................................ 55 第一節 商業模式介紹:數據應用 ................................................................................ 56 第一項 資料庫商模 ................................................................................................ 56 第二項 社交媒體帳戶商模 .................................................................................... 60 第二節 資料庫、數位帳戶作為營業秘密標的? ........................................................ 64 第一項 資料庫案件介紹 ........................................................................................ 64 第二項 社交媒體帳戶案件介紹 ............................................................................ 68 第三節 相關法規競合 .................................................................................................... 74 第一項 日本法:限定提供數據-涉及大數據處理 ............................................... 74 第二項 歐盟與德國法:資料法制-涉及個資處理 ............................................... 79 第三項 社交媒體帳戶所涉法律問題、其他主張之疑慮 .................................... 85 第五章 營業秘密保護客體的特殊討論二:AI演算法 ....................................................... 87 第一節 商業模式介紹:AI與AIGC ............................................................................ 88 第一項 AI、AIGC技術與商模 ............................................................................. 90 第二項 AI分類 ....................................................................................................... 99 第三項 AI、AIGC與傳統程式設計差異 ........................................................... 101 第四項 現下待解的技術與應用障礙 .................................................................. 102 第二節 AI演算法作為營業秘密標的? ..................................................................... 103 第一項 美國法立場:軟性管制AI產業 ............................................................ 103 第二項 AI演算法案件介紹 ................................................................................. 106 第三節 相關法規競合 .................................................................................................. 112 第一項 歐盟法、我國法:人工智慧法、營業秘密指令-涉及AI產品 .......... 112 第二項 美國法:著作權法-涉及電腦程式 ......................................................... 115 第三項 AI演算法所涉其他主張之疑慮 ............................................................. 115 第六章 我國營業秘密保護現況與數位經濟討論 .............................................................. 123 第一節 我國營業秘密保護相關法規歷史概述 .......................................................... 123 第二節 近期我國法院著重保護要件與思考 .............................................................. 129 第一項 研究範圍與方法 ...................................................................................... 129 第二項 裁判蒐集與變項設計 .............................................................................. 130 第三項 營業秘密認定之分析 .............................................................................. 132 第三節 我國法院判決實證與數位經濟應用之討論 .................................................. 142 第一項 我國法院判決認定之可能隱憂 .............................................................. 142 第二項 數位經濟商模與我國營業秘密保護討論 .............................................. 143 第七章 結論 .......................................................................................................................... 146 參考文獻 ................................................................................................................................ 148 一、中文文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 148 (一)專書 .................................................................................................................... 148 (二)期刊論文 ............................................................................................................ 149 (三)法院判決 ............................................................................................................ 151 (四)網路資料 ............................................................................................................ 151 二、英文文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 154 (一)專書 .................................................................................................................... 154 (二)期刊論文 ............................................................................................................ 154 (三)美國法院判決 .................................................................................................... 158 (四)歐洲法院判決、歐洲共同體委員會決定 ........................................................ 159 (五)網路資料 ............................................................................................................ 159 三、日文文獻 ........................................................................................................................ 164 (一)文章 .................................................................................................................... 164 (二)網路資料 ............................................................................................................ 164 | - |
dc.language.iso | zh_TW | - |
dc.title | 以企業與資料觀點論數位經濟之營業秘密保護 | zh_TW |
dc.title | Trade Secrets Protection in Digital Economy: from the Perspective of Enterprises and Data | en |
dc.type | Thesis | - | | 112-2 | - | | 碩士 | - |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 謝銘洋;王偉霖 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | Ming-Yan Shieh;Wei-Lin Wang | en |
dc.subject.keyword | 營業秘密,數位經濟,資料庫,社交媒體帳戶,AI 演算法, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | Trade Secrets,Digital Economy,Databases,Social Media Accounts,AI Algorithms, | en | | 165 | - |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.6342/NTU202401917 | - |
dc.rights.note | 同意授權(全球公開) | - | | 2024-07-23 | - | | 法律學院 | - | | 科際整合法律學研究所 | - |
Appears in Collections: | 科際整合法律學研究所 |
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