Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 3 of 3
Publication Year | Title | Author(s) | Department |
2024 | 使用卷積神經網絡運用在急診12導程心電圖上預測急性心肌梗塞後的死亡率 Convolutional neural network prediction of mortality after acute myocardial infarction by using the emergency department 12-lead electrocardiogram | 黃韻如; YUN-JU HUANG | 智慧醫療與健康資訊碩士學位學程 |
2024 | 注意力深度學習方法應用於時間序列腦電波圖針對心跳停止後腦神經損傷的預後預測 An Attention-Based Deep Learning Approach of Using Time-Series EEG for Predicting Neurological Outcomes in Cardiac Arrest | 曾世傑; Jefferson Sy Dionisio | 智慧醫療與健康資訊碩士學位學程 |
2024 | 透過可解釋的認知評估,研究轉移、少樣本和元學習在基於靜息態和聽覺穩定狀態反應腦電圖的神經退化性疾病診斷之生物標記識別 Investigating Transfer, Few-Shot, and Meta Learning for Biomarker Identification in Resting-State and Auditory Steady-State Response EEG-Based Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases with Interpretable Cognitive Assessments | 楊美美; DANIELLE PENELLA P. YU | 智慧醫療與健康資訊碩士學位學程 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 3 of 3
- 3 碩士
- 1 che lin
- 1 lian-yu lin
- 1 yufeng jane tseng
- 1 曾宇鳳
- 1 林亮宇
- 1 林澤
- 1 convolutional neural network
- 1 convolutional neural network,acut...
- 1 convolutional neural network,acut...
- 1 convolutional neural network,acut...
- 1 eeg classification
- 1 eeg classification,cardiac arrest
- 1 eeg classification,cardiac arrest...
- 1 eeg classification,cardiac arrest...
- 1 eeg classification,cardiac arrest...
- 1 eeg classification,cardiac arrest...
- next >
Publication Year
- 3 2024
- 2 同意授權(全球公開)
- 1 未授權
Has File(s)
- 3 true