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dc.contributor.advisor | 劉康慧 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.advisor | Helen K. Liu | en | | 林威妤 | zh_TW | | Wei-Yu Lin | en | | 2023-08-16T17:20:18Z | - | | 2023-11-09 | - | | 2023-08-16 | - | | 2023 | - | | 2023-08-09 | - |
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dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 警察「承攬」行政協助之現象在當今公共治理複雜化之下日益顯著,同時行政協助作為不同於警政本業的外來業務,「口罩、路燈巡佐」之現象亦在實務發生,顯然成為基層官僚之績效管理議題,恐怕陷入Lipsky對於基層官僚目標錯置現象之預言。然而公共行政學界對此關注付之闕如,引起本文對於基層官僚以及非例行性績效業務視角之研究興趣。本研究採用基層官僚作為理論視角,並結合績效管理研究之成果,將警察人員之行政協助業務對應至基層官僚之非例行性績效業務的學理概念,進行系統性的文獻回顧,並展開實證訪談結果與理論之對話。
理論上,本文藉由邏輯模型(Logic Model)之「投入」、「過程」、「產出」、「結果」作為文獻分析架構,系統性地以投入面的目標模糊、資源不足;過程面的政策異化、應付行為;結果面的例行與非例行性績效資訊、績效業務;結果面的績效悖理,結合基層官僚與績效管理研究,解釋理論上非例行性績效業務如何助長基層官僚之負面績效行為。 實證上,本研究與來自派出所、分局、刑事局之行政、交通、刑事警察人員進行半結構式深度訪談。行政協助作為非本業的非例行性績效業務對於警察本業的干擾跨越組織階層和職務類科。行政協助主要出現在派出所層級之行政警察身上,但分局刑事警察亦需投入牽涉蒐證之行政協助業務,對本業造成排擠,甚至使人員被迫犧牲辦案品質。 行政協助作為非例行性績效業務,具有臨時性、內容與時間的不可預期性,並且因跨機關而具有「非本業」特質,加深了政策異化以及角色衝突。警察人員在績效壓力以及資源不足之困境下,限額提供服務以及例行化的負面應付行為加深,對警察工作品質產生間接影響,例如案件品質和辦案時程延宕,負面影響民眾權益。 總結而言,本研究揭示行政協助作為非例行性績效業務,加深了績效資訊落差,在警察績效制度下助長了警察人員偏離本業之結果。行政協助確為當代治理的工具之一,甚至使警察成為了第一線的防疫功臣,然而本文提供不同的視角,以基層人員的觀點出發,當「偏離本業」成為日常,警察人員之工作動機恐怕在績效壓力及長官期待、民眾權益以及專業認知,三者構築的張力之中日益削弱。期待來者對於行政協助作為非例行性績效業務內生的非本業特質及其影響更加關注。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The phenomenon of police conducting administrative assistance has become increasingly prominent in public governance in Taiwan. The administrative assistance, as a type of exogenous task , is distinctive from police core functions and highly rewarded administrative assistance tasks crowd out frontline workers efforts from their core tasks, bringing to a performance management issue for street-level bureaucrats and may potentially fall into Lipsky's prophesied phenomenon of goal displacement among street-level bureaucrats. However, little scholarly attention in public administration has paid to this issue, leading to the interest of this paper in studying street-level bureaucrats and non-routine performance tasks. A systematic literature review under the Logic Model is conducted, and empirical in-depth interview results are engaged in a dialogue with the theory.
As non-routine performance tasks, administrative assistance exhibits temporality, unpredictability in content and timing, and the characteristic of being "non-core" due to its cross-agency nature, which intensifies policy alienation and role conflicts. Police personnel, facing performance pressures and resource constraints, resort to rationing and routinizing coping behaviors, which impact the quality of core police work, such as case quality, ultimately negatively affecting the rights of citizen-clients. This study elucidates that administrative assistance as a non-routine performance task, exacerbates the performance gap, and police deviating from their core duties under the police performance system. While administrative assistance is indeed a contemporary governance tool and even positions the police as front-line heroes in epidemic prevention, this article provides a different perspective, starting from the viewpoint of street-level bureaucrats. When it becomes a daily occurrence that police deviates from core duties, the work motivation of police may be weakened amid the tensions among performance pressure and superiors' expectations, public rights, and professional cognition. It is hoped that future researchers will pay closer attention to the non-core nature of administrative assistance as a non-routine performance task and its impact. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Submitted by admin ntu ( on 2023-08-16T17:20:18Z No. of bitstreams: 0 | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2023-08-16T17:20:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII 第一章 前言 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究問題 7 第四節 研究方法 8 第二章 文獻檢閱 13 第一節 基層官僚理論概念與文獻檢閱 13 第二節 我國警政現況與相關研究 16 第三節 本章小結 22 第三章 基層官僚之績效行為影響因子:系統性文獻回顧 25 第一節 投入面之績效行為因子 29 第二節 過程面之績效行為因子 35 第三節 產出面之績效行為因子 41 第四節 結果面之績效行為因子 45 第五節 本章小結 50 第四章 警察人員之行政協助作為非例行性績效業務:實證與學理的對話 53 第一節 實證訪談發現與分析 53 第二節 綜合討論 72 第三節 理論與實證之對話 75 第五章、結論與政策反思 77 第一節 結論 77 第二節 研究限制 79 第三節 未來研究建議 80 第四節 政策反思與建議 81 參考文獻 85 一、中文部分 85 二、西文部分 92 附錄一、深度訪談題綱(個人) 101 附錄二、深度訪談題綱 (警察工作權益推動協會) 102 | - |
dc.language.iso | zh_TW | - |
dc.title | 初探基層官僚之績效行為影響因子:以我國警察人員行政協助作為非例行性績效業務為例 | zh_TW |
dc.title | Exploring the Factors of Performance Behavior among Street-level Bureaucrats: A Case Study of Nonroutine Performance Tasks in Administrative Assistance by Police Officers in Taiwan | en |
dc.type | Thesis | - | | 111-2 | - | | 碩士 | - |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 洪美仁;胡龍騰 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | Mei-Jen Hung;Lung-Teng Hu | en |
dc.subject.keyword | 基層官僚,非例行性績效業務,警政績效,行政協助, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | street-level bureaucrats,nonroutine performance task,nonroutine performance information,police performance management,administrative support, | en | | 103 | - |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.6342/NTU202303225 | - |
dc.rights.note | 同意授權(全球公開) | - | | 2023-08-11 | - | | 社會科學院 | - | | 公共事務研究所 | - |
Appears in Collections: | 公共事務研究所 |
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