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Title: | 以兩種高級氧化處理程序移除醫院廢水中藥品及個人保健品 Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Hospital Wastewater through Two Advanced Oxidation Processes |
Authors: | Yu-Ping Huang 黃諭憑 |
Advisor: | 王根樹(Gen-Shuh Wang) |
Keyword: | 醫院廢水,高級氧化,UV/chlorine,UV/H2O2,藥品及個人保健品, Hospital wastewater,Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs),UV/chlorine,UV/H2O2,Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), |
Publication Year : | 2022 |
Degree: | 碩士 |
Abstract: | 水對於所有生物都是必須的資源,而水資源的獲取在現今的世界卻是越來越困難。且台灣由於人口稠密及高度經濟發展的狀況,水資源的需求量也隨之上升。經過使用後的廢水不論經過處理或是直接排放進入水體環境,其中的污染物可能影響到環境生態與人體健康。而藥品及個人保健品不論在民生廢水或是醫院廢水的放流水中都能夠被檢出,顯示出傳統處理流程對於移除此類污染的效率不佳。 水處理過程可以分為汙水處理及自來水處理,這些處理程序的目的都是為了確保水質安全。除了一般水質監測外,新興汙染物(Emerging Contaminants, ECs)也隨著檢測技術及儀器的發展,開始在各種不同水體中被檢出。 藥物及個人保健品(PPCPs)是新興汙染物的一環,其出現與人為活動有關,而醫院排放廢水中通常仍含有許多藥物及個人保健品。苯二氮平類藥物(Benzodiazepines, BZDs)是一類用於治療失眠、焦慮等精神症狀的藥物。根據健保署(NHI)藥物使用資料,苯二氮平類藥物近年被大量使用,並且可以在水體中被檢測出來。 本研究的目的在調查醫院廢水中苯二氮平及選定的藥物及個人保健品(包含賀爾蒙類及解熱鎮痛藥)之濃度,並比較在不同的高級氧化處理下汙染物的去除效率,並比較傳統處理流程與高級氧化處理(包括UV/chlorine及UV/H2O2)對藥物及個人保健品的移除效率。 研究結果顯示,在所調查的三種水樣中(原廢水、二級處理水及放流水)中,原廢水中藥品及個人保健品有較高濃度,並可在原廢水中測出Naproxen, Ibuprofen、Acetaminophen、Estriol及Oxazepam五種藥品。經過一級與二級廢水處理後,大多數的藥品及個人保健品皆有降解,而降解百分比介於-37%至100%間,但多數藥品及個人保健品在二級處理水中仍可被檢出。而在二級處理水與進行加氯後的放流水中的濃度比較中,在濃度上並無太大差別。將二級處理水再以高級氧化處理進行汙染物降解,可觀察到透過不同氧化劑及反應時間,藥物及個人保健品降解效率亦有不同。在氧化劑消耗中,H¬2O2在反應終止時仍保有一定的濃度;而氯的濃度相對則較低或已耗盡。在消毒副產物的生成上,在本研究設計上,兩種氧化劑(加氯及過氧化氫H2O2)對於消毒副產物的生成皆無太多影響。 不論使用何種氧化劑,後端處理使用高級氧化處理對於藥品及個人保健品的移除效率皆優於傳統處理中的消毒流程(加氯消毒)。隨著氧化劑濃度及反應接觸時間增加,移除效率也隨之增加。在醫院廢水的高級氧化處理結果顯示,經過UV/chlorine處理的藥品及個人保健品與未處理前比較下,降解效能介於26%至72%;而經過UV/H2O2的高級氧化處理下,所有藥品及個人保健品幾乎完全被降解。 Water is essential to all lives on the earth, and the availability of water resource is getting limited nowadays. Owing to the high population density and economic development, the demand of water resources is increasing as well. Despite the wastewater treatment, contaminants might still remain within the water, and the existence of these contaminants might also affect natural systems (Brodin et al., 2017). Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are detected in both municipal wastewater and hospital wastewater, and these results indicate that the elimination of PPCPs through conventional treatments are not sufficient. Both wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) treat water with some processes to ensure the water quality. Despite the regular monitoring program, emerging contaminants (ECs) have been detected in various environmental waters and tap waters. The occurrences of PPCPs were related to human activities, and hospital wastewater effluents usually contained several PPCPs due to medication uses. Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are utilized as psychological drugs to treat insomnia, panic disorder, and etc. According to the information from National Health Insurance drug usage database, BZDs are widely administrated in recent years and can be detected in hospital wastewaters. The aims of this study are to acknowledge the concentrations of BZDs and selected PPCPs (including hormones, analgesics) in the hospital wastewater and to evaluate the applications of various AOPs in the removal efficiencies of PPCPs. The removal efficiencies of AOP treatments and conventional treatment would be compared. As the results, in three kinds of wastewater (raw wastewaters, post-secondary treatment wastewaters and effluents), there were higher concentrations of PPCPs in the raw wastewater samples, and naproxen, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, estriol and oxazepam were detected. After primary and secondary treatments, the concentrations of PPCPs degraded between -37 to 100%, and the PPCPs were still detected in the post-secondary treatment wastewaters. There were no significant differences of PPCP concentrations between the post-secondary treatment wastewaters and effluents, where chlorination was conducted. AOP treatments were used for PPCPs degradations then, and under different concentrations of oxidants and contact times, the removal efficiencies were also different. In the results of oxidant consumption, H2O2 remained certain concentrations at the end of AOP treatment, while chlorine were almost consumed after UV photolysis. In the results of disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation, there were no apparent differences on DBP formation after the AOP treatments with chlorine or hydrogen peroxide as the oxidants. No matter which oxidant was used in AOPs, the removal efficiencies of AOP treatments were better than those of the wastewater disinfection process, which usually used chlorine as the disinfectant. The degradation efficiencies increased as the concentrations of oxidants and contact time increased. According the results of AOP treatments for post-secondary treatment wastewater, the percentage of PPCPs degradation was between 27 % and 76 % with UV/chlorine treatment, while the percentage of PPCPs degradation was nearly 100% with UV/H2O2 treatment. |
URI: | |
DOI: | 10.6342/NTU202204124 |
Fulltext Rights: | 同意授權(限校園內公開) | | 2022-10-07 |
Appears in Collections: | 環境與職業健康科學研究所 |
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