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標題: | 青蛙冬眠之研究 Studies on The Hibernation of Frog |
作者: | 呂明雄 |
出版年 : | 1964 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 本試驗分生態觀察與生理實驗分析二項目。對青蛙冬眠作詳細之研究分析。為更瞭解青蛙冬眠溫度的關係。□□□□處理試驗以與自然冬眠比較和分析。所作之研究包括體重、脂肪體重、呼吸、心跳、腦含水量、血糖、血鎂和心電圖等項。低溫度處理試驗更用金線蛙(R. planoyl)和尖鼻赤蛙(R. narina)為材料,加以分析其血活與血鎂含量之差異。 2.金線蛙自然冬眠開始於十一月上旬至次年三月底才蘇醒。冬眠時外界環境溫度?10°-15℃左右,蘇醒時外界環境溫度?15°-18℃左右。 3.冬眠時因不採食,體重減少,同時脂肪體被利用,所以脂肪體漸漸減小,至冬眠後則完全用光而消失不見。 4.冬眠時,青蛙之腦含水量減少,但□蘇醒時與冬眠後則含量無顯著差異。 5.冬眠時因不採食,同時糖類以肝糖之形存於肝臟,故血糖減少。 6.冬眠時蛙雙身體受冷。細胞重之鎂離子為達其生理動態平衡,於主動吸收作用漸漸釋放到細胞外(血清),故冬眠時血鎂增加。 7.冬眠時血糖減低,血鎂增加是有種別差異性的。 8.冬眠時呼吸和心跳率均顯然減少。 9.低溫度處理後腦含水量、呼吸、心跳、血糖都同樣減少。血鎂同樣增加。血糖血鎂變化也同樣有種別差異性。 10冬眠心臟電位傳□變化較夏天時慢。 1. The present investigation was proceeded with ecological sumnies and physiological analyses on the problems of the hibernation of frog. In this experiment, the low temperature treatment was also carried out for the purpose of making a detailed comparison with the natural □. The determination of body weight, fat body weight, rats of respiration, heart beat, brain's water content, blood sugar content, serum magnesium content and E. G. C. were included in the physiological analysis. The author used two species of frog, R. plancyi Lataste. and H. narina Stejneger, in low temperature treatment to study whether there is a specific difference in the changes of blood sugar and serum magnesium content. 2. The natural hibernation of R. plancyi Lataste begins from November and ends at the end of, Narch. The environmental temperature cause animals to hibernate is 10-15℃ and it was found that environmental temperature above 15℃ will cause animals to awake. 3. No food was taken during hibernation so that the body weigth decreased. Leanwhile, the fat body was utilized as an anergy was completely disappeared as the hibernation envied 4. Brain's water content was decreased during deep hibernation, but there was no significant difference at any period of awakening. 5. The blood sugar content was also decreased in deep hibernation this might be due to the fasting and to the storage of glucose in the form of glycogen in the liver. 6. The peripheral body tissues were cooled during hibernation. For the purpose of maintaining a relatively □□, the magnesium was released from cells to plasma by the □ of active transfer of call □ So the □ magnesium content was increased during hibernation. 7. The changes of blood sugar and serum □ content give a specific difference observed in this experiment. 8. The rates of respiration and heart beat also decreased during hibernation. 9. The results of decrease of braiats water content, rate of respiration, heart beat, blood sugar content and increase of □□ content are all the same whether in the artificial hibernation or in the natural hibernation. The changes of blood sugar and serum magnesium content in artifical hibenation also give a spieipie difference as the natural hibernation shown. 10. The heart activity shown by E. G .C. during hibernation is slower than that in the summer. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/74994 |
全文授權: | 未授權 |
顯示於系所單位: | 動物學研究所 |