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Title: | 中國大陸網約車行業成功要因分析 Analysis of the Success Factors in China Car-Hailing Industry |
Authors: | Chun-Chung Chen 陳俊仲 |
Advisor: | 邱顯比 |
Keyword: | 網約車,共享經濟,O2O,成功要因, Car-Hailing,Sharing Economy,Online-to-Offline (O2O) application,Success Factors, |
Publication Year : | 2019 |
Degree: | 碩士 |
Abstract: | 過去人們在日常生活中食、衣、住、行的需求往往是要透過某種銷售或服務渠道來獲取,或消費者耗費相當精力及時間去取得所需要的商品或服務。但近年來由於網路及智慧型手機的高度普及,各種創新的共享經濟和O2O應用如雨後春筍般在世界各地衍生,短短近十年間人們享受到更便利的生活,所需各樣服務之訊息往往能被精準的推送到消費者的手上,眾多的消費者也習慣並大量的使用這些新型態服務。中國大陸因為龐大的人口數,潛在的市場是如此的巨大,近十年來吸引者一波接著一波的創業家及投資者競相投入,共享經濟和O2O應用似乎變成創業及投資圈的流行,甚至有人認為此領域潛在之市場邊際是可以被勇氣及想像力來定義。在如此眾多的投入之下,往往市場變成了殺戮戰場,在短短數年內部分投入的新創公司在資金消耗殆盡後結束營業。然而消費者無庸置疑是受益者,享受並習慣著便宜及日益便利的創新服務,也因此消費者也不可能回到非使用網路、手機的傳統服務模式,因此這個行業勢必繼續衍生、發展。此論文研究在探討在這殺戮戰場般的共享經濟和O2O市場中,什麼是新創公司的成功要因。探討的方式是以中國大陸網約車行業之演進,從其中具有代表性的公司,探討其公司背景、所用的競爭手段、融資策略等,希望能找到在一個新創行業發展的不同階段中其所對應的成功要因。也期待這些成功要因也能對共享經濟和O2O應用的新創創辦人及投資者提供一些有價值的建議。本研究發現在做行業成功要因分析時,必須注意該行業所在的發展階段,因為不同階段的成功要因有相當的差異性。以網約車行業發展為例,當市場霸主尚未確立、市場潛力還在被拓展、甚至相關法令執法還未完善時,嚴謹的遵守法令往往反而帶給新創公司競爭的劣勢,而在行業發展到成熟階段,法規可以變成有良好政商關係公司的競爭優勢。從本論文的研究結果,對於投身在共享經濟及O2O應用新創的創辦人有以下建議。要不時提醒自已有著網路思維、有積極的融資計劃與執行力、設法爭取高價值的融資資金、發展有創意的異業結盟來獲取流量、積極而甚至有攻擊性的線下營銷活動、避免因為過度關注還在演進的法規而讓自已失去競爭力、該砸錢補貼獲取市場時不要手軟但要把花的錢之效益最大化。對於此領域的投資人在選擇投資標的時的建議是,創辦人在網路行業的經驗及有無攻擊性的經營策略和執行力是重要的、投資標的公司若有投資夥伴為生態系公司是為上選,若投資標的公司的獲利模式遲遲未能確立則提早獲利出場或停止增加投入都是可認真考慮的選項。此外本論文也選定了兩家網約車行業之外的O2O應用公司 (瑞幸咖啡及美團點評) 作成功要因交叉比對的對象,其結果顯示從網約車行業所選出的成功要因和瑞幸及美團這兩家成功上市的O2O應用公司之成功要因有高度的同質性,這顯示出本論文的研究結果,在網路O2O新創行業中有極高的可參考性。 Before revolution of internet and smart phones, people would usually need through an agency or a channel to acquire the services or products they desire to have; and quite often, people would spend quite amount of time and energy to collect the related information and obtain the goods. In recent years, using a smart phone to access internet has already become people’s daily activities; it facilitates the booming of sharing economy and Online-to-Offline (O2O) applications. Those applications change the ways people acquiring the products and services they like to have. Nowadays, the efforts to acquire things reduced significantly; in many cases, the needed information is accurately delivered to people with location based services (LBS).Having the largest population in the world, China has the greatest market potential for those sharing economy and O2O applications. In recent 10 years, these new application field induced waves of entrepreneurs’ and investors’ attentions. The popularity of such entrepreneurship storm seemed indicating the potential market of sharing economy and O2O applications was without a limit; which certainly not a reality was. It was no surprise that bulk of those start-up companies went vanishing after out of funds. However, consumers were undoubtedly the winners; as they enjoyed improved and convenience services for many of their daily activities, and are so used to use them. Therefore, it is not possible to turning back to old fashion ways which were without using internet and smart phone technologies. For sure, the entrepreneurship wave will continue evolving!The thesis aims to investigate what are the success factors in sharing economy and O2O entrepreneurship by studying the evolution of China Car-Hailing Industry, which is a classical example of sharing economy and O2O application. 10 car-hailing start-up companies were selected and studied from different perspectives such as company background, competitive and financing strategies, etc. At the end of studies, a set of success factors are identified. The potential value of those identified factors are to provide some useful guideline for entrepreneurs starting their business and investors for selecting their investment targets in sharing economy and O2O application field. |
URI: | |
DOI: | 10.6342/NTU201902108 |
Fulltext Rights: | 有償授權 |
Appears in Collections: | 財務金融組 |
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