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dc.contributor.advisor | 傅佩榮(Pei-Jung Fu) | | | Michael Rau | en | | 饒忠恕 | zh_TW | | 2021-06-17T03:16:45Z | - | | 2018-07-06 | | | 2018-07-06 | | | 2018 | | | 2018-07-04 | |
dc.identifier.citation | 古籍
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dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | 本文命名為「予豈好『譬』哉?」結合著本文檢討的研究問題與研究方法,亦即本文試圖重新檢驗「孟子為何如此地『好辯』?」,並且經由譬喻分析來回答這個問題。答案為:孟子所批評的對象違反了道義,而道義的實質內容以及判斷標準顯示於孟子的譬喻中。本文首先做文獻回顧、譬喻定位與概念澄清三方面的鋪陳,以便於突顯過往哲學研究對於譬喻研究的遺漏、釐清思想過程本身就為譬喻性以及陳述與孟子人性論相關概念該如何解釋。接著,本文選出孟子對於人性論最關鍵的五段論述,從得出的譬喻描述中建構孟子人性論的五大特色:(1)猶有四體,人有四端 ;(2)芻豢悅口,理義悅心 ;(3)猶水就下,人性之善 ;(4)山養則長,性養則長 ;(5)舍魚取掌,舍生取義 。再者,由於孟子的人性論必須要展現於人倫關係中,本文便指出「五倫」背後的關鍵譬喻。特別重要的譬喻包括國君應該「為民父母」、臣下應該「營造環境」、士人應該「居仁由義」。基於以上分析,本文最後突顯濫用自己權力的國君、逢迎國君過錯的臣下與誤導百姓言行的士人,為孟子批評最嚴重的三個對象。以上分析試圖從新的角度顯示孟子思想的價值與特色所在,證明孟子之「好辯」並非不合理,反而有系統性和充分的根據。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | This paper’s title—“Am I Really Old Fart?”—combines both research question and methodology. In other words, this paper attempts to answer anew “Why was Mencius so argumentative?” by analyzing his metaphors. The answer is: those Mencius criticized violated morality, and the actual content of and standards for morality are displayed in Mencius’ metaphors. This paper, first of all, establishes three points of groundwork in reviewing the literature, establishing the role of metaphors, and clarifying concepts, in order to highlight research gaps in past philosophical metaphorical research, illuminate the metaphorical character of thought, and explaining crucial concepts related to Mencius’ theory of human nature. Then, this paper selects the five most critical passages related to Mencius’ theory of human nature and reconstructs its five characteristic features: 1) “like they have four limbs, people have four sprouts”; 2) “as meat satisfies the mouth, so morality satisfies the heart”; 3) “as water flows downward, so human nature is oriented towards good”; 4) “nourishing the mountain enables growth, nourishing human nature enables growth”; 5) “abandon fish for bear’s paw, abandon life for morality.” Next, as Mencius’ theory of human nature must be demonstrated in human relationships, thus this paper points out the essential metaphors behind Mencius’ “five relationships.” Especially important metaphors include that rulers should “act as parent to the people,” ministers should “create an environment,” and teachers should “dwell in benevolence and walk in righteousness.” Based on this analysis, this paper lastly highlights power-abusing rulers, ruler-enabling ministers, and people-misleading teachers as the three subjects of Mencius’ most vehement criticism. The preceding analysis attempts to highlight the value and characteristics of Mencian thought, showing that Mencius’ “argumentativeness” is not unreasonable, but is rather systematic and well-grounded. | en |
dc.description.provenance | Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-17T03:16:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ntu-107-R04124013-1.pdf: 11079783 bytes, checksum: 8131a51d1f11f19b29e3f6b03d026c50 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 口試委員會審定書 i
謝辭 ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 緣由 1 第二節 譬喻的要素 5 第三節 研究範圍、方法、價值、成果 7 第二章 思想與譬喻 16 第一節 文獻回顧 16 第二節 譬喻定位 30 第三節 概念澄清 34 第四節 小結 48 第三章 四端與譬喻 50 第一節 人性論為《孟子》的理論基礎 51 第二節 找尋《孟子》關鍵人性論之譬喻 55 第三節 孟子五個核心人性論譬喻 58 第四節 小結 70 第四章 五倫與譬喻 73 第一節 適當關係的實現 73 第二節 五倫背後的譬喻 75 第三節 小結 91 第五章 三辯與譬喻 93 第一節 譬喻的描述與規範性質 93 第二節 孟子譬喻辯論的方法 94 第三節 孟子最嚴重的批評 98 第四節 小結 111 第六章 結論 114 第一節 回顧 114 第二節 研究局限與未盡事宜 120 參考書目 122 | |
dc.language.iso | zh-TW | |
dc.title | 「予豈好『譬』哉?」:孟子與譬喻 | zh_TW |
dc.title | “Am I Really An Old Fart?” - Mencius and Metaphors | en |
dc.type | Thesis | | | 106-2 | | | 碩士 | |
dc.contributor.coadvisor | 李賢中(Hsien-Chung Li) | |
dc.contributor.oralexamcommittee | 林義正,陳福濱 | |
dc.subject.keyword | 孟子,譬喻,人性,人倫,辯論, | zh_TW |
dc.subject.keyword | Mencius,Metaphor,Relationships,Human Nature,Debates, | en | | 126 | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.6342/NTU201801274 | |
dc.rights.note | 有償授權 | | | 2018-07-04 | | | 文學院 | zh_TW | | 哲學研究所 | zh_TW |
Appears in Collections: | 哲學系 |
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