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標題: | 不同形式之反芻式自我專注與轉移作業對於未來思考的影響 Effects of Distinct Modes of Ruminative Self-Focus and Distraction on Future Thinking |
作者: | Yung-Ching Lee 李永精 |
指導教授: | 張素凰(Sue-Hwang Chang) |
關鍵字: | 反芻式自我專注,認知運作形式,未來思考作業,思考具體度, ruminative self-focus,processing mode,future thinking,reduced concreteness, |
出版年 : | 2008 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 本研究旨在探討個體在低落的情緒狀態下,不同型式之反芻式自我專注與轉移作業對於未來思考之影響,並透過「具體度減少」假說(Stober & Borkovec, 2002)探討所涉及之機制。採用2(時間:前測、後測)× 3(反芻式思考形式:分析評價操弄組、經驗感受操弄組、轉移作業操弄組)之二因子混合設計,依變項為實驗參與者在實驗操弄前後,其未來思考作業之表現、簡版自傳式記憶作業之表現、當下正向及負向整體情緒感受、與貝克無望感量表之評量分數。90名預先經過貝克憂鬱量表篩檢達低落情緒之非臨床實驗參與者,被隨機分派至上述三種反芻式思考形式操弄組,每組各30名。在情緒誘導作業後,所有實驗參與者皆完成所需之前測作業,再依其組別接受不同之反芻式思考形式操弄,最後完成所需之後測作業。結果顯示,分析評價式之反芻式自我專注有增加無望感受之趨勢,並顯著減少正向未來思考值、增加負向未來思考值,且顯著降低思考具體度;對正向及負向情緒感受則無顯著之影響。經驗感受式之反芻式自我專注則可降低整體無望感受,增加正向未來思考值,但對負向未來思考值無顯著之影響;另外,亦可提高思考具體度,且可增加正向情緒感受,並減少負向情緒感受。轉移式之思考歷程則會降低整體無望感受,雖對正向未來思考值無顯著影響,但可減少負向未來思考值,且有降低思考具體度之趨勢;另外,亦可增加正向情緒感受,並減少負向情緒感受。關於不同形式之反芻式自我專注對未來思考的影響效果之運作機制,分析結果發現,思考具體度扮演著調節變項之角色。具體言之,相較於分析評價式的反芻自我專注,經驗感受式的反芻自我專注可顯著地增加正向未來思考值,而在思考具體度提升時,此種經驗感受式的反芻自我專注對正向未來思考值的影響力最大。最後,本研究針對上述結果之研究貢獻、研究限制、與未來研究方向加以討論。 The present study explored the effects of distinct modes of ruminative self-focus and distraction on the future thinking in dysphoric participants, and examined such effects through the reduced concreteness hypothesis (Stober & Borkovec, 2002). With multiple dependent measures (e.g. performance on the future thinking task), a time (pre & post test) × modes of ruminative self-focus (analytical, experiential, & distractive manipulations) mixed design was performed. Ninety non-clinical dysphoric participants pre-screened by BDI were randomly allocated to two ruminative conditions and one disctraction control condition (n = 30 in each cell). After mood inductions and pre-test measures, participants worked through their assigned experimental condition (8 minutes), then finished the post-test measures. The results indicated the analytical mode of ruminative self-focus diminished the positive future thinking, augmented the negative future thinking, reduced the concrete thoughts, and showed a trend of increasing hopelessness, but influenced neither negative nor positive mood. The experiential mode of ruminative self-focus augmented the positive future thinking, increased the concrete thoughts, reduced hopelessness; and furthermore, it not only increased positive mood but also decreased negative mood. As for the distraction task, the effects of diminishing the negative future thinking, reducing hopelessness, increasing positive mood, and decreasing negative mood were found. In addition, when applying the reduced concreteness hypothesis to examine the relationship between ruminative modes and future thinking, the results suggested that degree of concreteness functioned as a moderator. Specifically, relative to the analytic mode of ruminative self-focus, the experiential mode significantly increased the positive future thinking, and as the degree of concreteness increased, such effect became more salient. The implications of the present findings and future research possibilities are discussed. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/37719 |
全文授權: | 有償授權 |
顯示於系所單位: | 心理學系 |
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