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標題: | 不同成熟度太陽麻或花生藤分別和玉米混合製作青貯於替代泌乳羊芻料之應用 The Application of Silages of Corn Mixed with Two Different Maturities’Sunn Hemp or Peanut Stover as Forage Replacement for Dairy Goats |
作者: | Tung-Chia Hu 胡同嘉 |
指導教授: | 徐濟泰 |
關鍵字: | 綠肥作物,農副產物,泌乳羊,青貯, Green manure,Agricultural byproduct,Dairy goat,Silage, |
出版年 : | 2011 |
學位: | 碩士 |
摘要: | 許多地區之反芻動物產業經常面臨冬季牧草的品質和數量均缺乏,最主要的畜牧生產限制即為適當飼糧的無法穩定供應。替代性芻料像是綠肥作物、農業副產物均為非常重要的選擇來克服飼糧短缺,動物餵飼農副產物在許多國家行之有年。綠肥作物,也稱為被覆作物,例太陽麻常被使用來增加土壤肥沃度。
本試驗旨在評估兩種不同成熟度之太陽麻以及農副產物花生藤分別與青割玉米以40:60 比例混合製作青貯,替代純青割玉米青貯作為泌乳羊芻料之應用。採用8頭剛過泌乳高峰之Alpine泌乳羊,使用2重複4×4拉丁方格試驗設計 (Latin square),以玉米青貯飼糧作為對照組,其餘三個處理組分別為花生藤/玉米混合青貯飼糧、幼嫩(播種60天)太陽麻/玉米混合青貯飼糧以及老熟(播種90天)太陽麻/玉米混合青貯飼糧。飼糧精芻料比例為50:50,並調整精料組成使四組為等蛋白質飼糧 (CP=18%)。每一處理組分配2頭泌乳羊,個別飼養於代謝架內,每個試驗期包含17天適應期與4天採樣期。 試驗結果顯示,玉米青貯、花生藤/玉米混合青貯、幼嫩太陽麻/玉米混合青貯以及老熟太陽麻/玉米混合青貯之pH值分別為3.49、4.07、4.28及4.11;乳酸含量分別為7.95、4.19、1.14及1.79%乾物質;青貯評分 (Flieg score)分別為94、70、48及48。玉米青貯處理組、花生藤/玉米混合青貯處理組、幼嫩太陽麻/玉米混合青貯處理組以及老熟太陽麻/玉米混合青貯處理組之泌乳羊乾物質採食量分別為1.52、1.65、1.42及1.45 kg/day。花生藤/玉米混合青貯飼糧處理組泌乳羊之乾物質和粗蛋白質採食量顯著高於其他三組,然而乾物質和粗蛋白質消化率則是顯著低於其他三組 (P<0.05)。老熟太陽麻/玉米混合青貯處理組之泌乳羊中洗纖維消化率顯著高於其他三組 (P<0.05)。四組處理組之泌乳羊飼料利用效率分別為1.08、1.01、1.10、1.10,四組間均無顯著差異 (P>0.05),而四組處理組全期平均乳產量分別為1.90、1.95、1.75及1.78 kg/day (P>0.05)。在乳組成方面,四組飼糧處理組泌乳羊在乳脂、乳蛋白、乳糖,乳總固形物及體細胞數上均無顯著差異 (P>0.05)。 綜合而言,乳量或乳組成在各處理間並無顯著差異,顯示太陽麻或花生藤與青割玉米混合製作青貯不但能被泌乳羊隻所接受,並且能維持相近於玉米青貯的產乳性能,若更有效率去利用此種綠肥作物以及農副產物來當作芻料替代物,預期將可以降低畜牧生產成本。 Farm ruminants in many areas often face winter forage quantity and quality deficits. The main constraint to livestock production is the limited availability of suitable feeds. Substitute forage such as green manure, agricultural byproducts are an important alternative to overcome shortages in that period. The use of crop byproducts in animal feeding is a very common practice in many countries. Green manure crop, also called a cover crop, such as sunn hemp is commonly used to increase soil fertility. The purpose of this study is to evaluate silages of corn mixed with two different maturities’ sunn hemp or peanut stover at a ratio of 60:40 as forage replacement for dairy goats. Eight Alpine lactating dairy does at mid lactation stage just past peak of lactation were employed under a replicated 4x4 Latin square experimental design to four treatments contained corn silage, peanut stover-corn mixed silage, vegetative sunn hemp-corn mixed silage (60 days’ growth), or mature sunn hemp-corn mixed silage (90 days’ growth), respectively, in combination with concentrate at a 50:50 ratio (DM basis). Four treatment rations were formulated to be isonitrogenous (CP=18%). Each treatment was assigned 2 lactating goats kept in individual metabolism cages. Each experiment period included a 17-day adaptation period and a 4-day sampling period. The pH, lactate content and Flieg score of corn silage, peanut stover-corn mixed silage, vegetative sunn hemp-corn mixed silage and mature sunn hemp-corn mixed silage were 3.49, 4.07, 4.28, and 4.11; 7.95, 4.19, 1.14, and 1.79%DM; 94, 70, 48, and 48, respectively. Goats on peanut stover-corn mixed silage diet had significantly higher dry matter intake (DMI) and crude protein (CP) intake than other three treatment groups (P<0.05). However, DM and CP digestibilities of peanut stover-corn mixed silage diet were significantly lower than the other three. DMI of goats fed four treatment diets were 1.52, 1.65, 1.42, and 1.45 kg/day. Goats on mature sunn hemp-corn mixed silage diet had significantly higher neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility than other three treatment groups (P<0.05). No significantly difference was observed in feed efficiency. Milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content and somatic cell count of lactating goats fed corn silage, peanut stover-corn mixed silage, vegetative sunn hemp-corn mixed silage, and mature sunn hemp/corn mixed silage were 1.90, 1.95, 1.75, and 1.78 kg/day; 4.36, 4.32, 4.29, and 4.31%; 3.05, 3.15, 3.06, and 3.03%; 1.8, 0.8, 1.1, and 1.5 x 106 /mL, respectively. In conclusion, there was no difference in milk yield or milk composition among treatment groups, indicating sunn hemp or peanut stover can be mixed with freshly cut corn to make silage acceptable by lactating goats and maintained similar milk production performance as corn silage. If we use cover crop and byproduct as forage replacement effectively, they could reduce the cost of livestock production. |
URI: | http://tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw/jspui/handle/123456789/36851 |
全文授權: | 有償授權 |
顯示於系所單位: | 動物科學技術學系 |
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