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Title: | 1947年臺北戰犯審判之研究 A Study on War Crime Trials in 1947 Taipei |
Authors: | Ming-Hsi Chu 朱明希 |
Advisor: | 張文貞(Wen-Chen Chang) |
Keyword: | 臺北審判,臺灣軍人監獄檔案,戰犯,戰爭罪犯審判條例,臺灣人漢奸,戰爭犯罪,國際法與國內法,文明國家,近代法律人群體, Taipei War Crime Trials,war criminal,War Crime Trial Act,Taiwanese Traitors,Hannjian,international law and domestic law,civilized state,Chinese legal community, |
Publication Year : | 2017 |
Degree: | 碩士 |
Abstract: | 第二次世界大戰結束後,亞洲地區除了在東京舉行的主要戰犯審判外,中華民國亦於南京、上海、臺北等10個城市成立了軍事法庭,審判非主要戰犯。本文即以《國防部臺灣軍人監獄檔案》中1947年臺北戰犯審判判決書為研究對象。
對於此些臺北審判的判決,本文的問題意識為:第二次世界大戰後,中華民國如何應對自身的政治社會脈絡,適用、詮釋、修改國際法,形成具自身特色的戰犯審判的規範?臺北的戰犯審判法庭又是在如何的脈絡下,與當地的法律人群體互動,最終將國際法透過中華民國戰犯審判規範的架構,適用到臺灣島上的個人?臺北審判的論理有何特徵?造成這些特徵的原因是什麼?這場審判對於臺灣社會具有如何的政治與社會意義? 本文發現,中華民國立法院訂定的《戰爭罪犯審判條例》,與國際規範相較,實體規定較嚴格,課責對象廣、具有民族主義色彩,且行政權干預司法的空間大。 然而,《戰爭罪犯審判條例》被司法院院解字解釋適度地限縮。司法院一再強調《戰爭罪犯審判條例》的國際法性質,以國際法限縮構成要件的射程以及國籍管轄,放寬了嚴格的實體規定,也降低了民族主義色彩。在臺灣人是否構成漢奸的爭論中,司法院堅持臺灣人應受國際法之處置,且不得宣告褫奪公權,抑制了戰後對臺灣人不當報復的法律行動。然而,在高度政治性的案件,司法院仍會比較武斷地作出違反國際法的解釋,此應為司法院的界線。 1947年臺北戰犯審判的重要脈絡有二,其一是民間與政府對於過去親日人士的清算熱潮,二是戰後初期人力、物力等資源的缺乏。如此背景之下的臺北戰犯審判,一方面對大多數的被告從輕量刑,抑制了前述的清算熱潮,法庭也藉由判決宣告文明法律應有的樣態,批判以酷刑非法取供之不當。而成本的考量則表現在判決中大量使用連續犯概念,降低調查成本,以及法官人數較少兩件事情上。此外,雖然《戰爭罪犯審判條例》明定國際公法為法源之一,然而若與紐倫堡判決及東京判決相比,臺北審判較少直接尋求國際法上的規範基礎,而仍以適用《戰爭罪犯審判條例》以及《中華民國刑法》為主。臺北審判的最後一個特徵是,被告比較少是軍人,多數是警察。這或許與臺北沒有發生陸戰,與狹義戰爭罪立法時想像的場景不同之故。 本文認為,嚴格且帶有民族主義色彩的戰犯審判規範,之所以適度被限縮,乃導因於清末以來外交與法律群體對於文明國家的信仰。然而,文明法律的種子卻也因其後的二二八事件、戒嚴時期等政治情勢,成為令人遺憾的曇花。 After World War II ends, in addition to the well-known Tokyo War Criminal Trial, the U.S., U.K., the Republic of China and other Allied States tried 5700 Japanese B/C class war criminals in their territories or colonies in Asia. From 1946 to 1948, the Republic of China held war crime tribunals in 10 cities including Shanghai, Nanking and Taipei, etc. This Thesis aims to research war crime trials taken place in 1947 Taipei. The research questions of this Thesis are: how the concept of international law had been understood/ interpreted/ modified by Nationalist Government and eventually applied by domestic military tribunals on war criminals in 1947 Taipei? What is the social and political context of such process? How these contexts influence the enforcement of international law? What is the social and political function of 1947 Taipei Tribunal? This Thesis argues that comparing with international law, the War Crime Trial Act ordained by the Nationalist Government provided a more stringent criminal liability, broader application, with intention of building Chinese Nationalism and made room for administrative power to influence judicial decisions. However, Judicial Yuan limited such War Crime Trial Act through its general legal interpretation. Judicial Yuan emphasized that the War Crime Trial Act shall be applied consistent with international law. In addition, Judicial Yuan insisted that Taiwanese people who had been with Japanese nationality during the war shall be tried by international law as war criminals, not tried by domestic law as traitors. However, in highly political cases, Judicial Yuan interpreted the Act in violation of international law. We can see that there was still a limitation for judicial decisions. There are two important contexts in 1947 Taipei: Purge of pro-Japan Taiwanese during the war; lack of resources after a great war. In such context, the Taipei tribunal gave most defendants light sentences, limiting the upsurge of said purge. In addition, the judgment demonstrated the model of civilized law. In response to the second context, the judgment used the concept of Das fortgesetzte Verbrechen, the continued criminal, to reduce the cost of detail investigation. Furthermore, there were only 3 judges in most cases though it shall be 5 pursuant to the War Crime Trial Act. Although the Act explicitly provides Public International Law as source of law, comparing with Nuremburg and Tokyo Trial Judgments, Taipei Court seldom sought international legal source, but directly applied laws domesticized in the War Crime Trial Act. The last feature of Taipei Tribunal is that most defendants were policemen rather than soldiers. Perhaps it is because Taiwan was not a battlefield during the war which was different from the original envision of lawmakers of laws of war. Why the strict, nationalism-oriented Act had been appropriately limited? This Thesis argues that, since late Qing dynasty, Chinese lawyers had been dedicating themselves to pursing civilized states by applying international law properly. However, the belief of civilized state faded away very soon due to the following political situations such as February 28 Incident and martial law regime in Taiwan. |
URI: | |
DOI: | 10.6342/NTU201703136 |
Fulltext Rights: | 同意授權(全球公開) |
Appears in Collections: | 法律學系 |
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