Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 363
Publication Year | Title | Author(s) | Department |
2008 | 1-(5-Methyl-2-furyl)-3-phenyl-2-propen-1-one
抑制血小板凝集作用機轉之探討 Antiplatelet mechanism of p95wu33a, a synthetic
1-(5-methyl-2-furyl)-3-phenyl-2-propen-1-one | Yu-Ta Cheng; 鄭又達 | 藥理學研究所 |
2014 | 15型脂氧酶在發炎性關節炎中調控MMP-2及PLGF之探討 Studies of 15-lipoxygenase in the regulation of MMP-2 and PLGF in the inflammatory arthritis | Ming-Yueh Wu; 吳明岳 | 藥理學研究所 |
2011 | 3-Methyladenine調控脂多醣在巨噬細胞活化之發炎反應的機制探討 Molecular Mechanisms of 3-Methyladenine in the Regulation of Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammatory Responses in Macrophages | Yi-Chieh Lin; 林宜潔 | 藥理學研究所 |
2013 | 36-13對心肌細胞在氧化壓力下的保護作用 The cardioprotection of 36-13 in cardiomyocytes under oxidative stress | Tsung-Yi Lo; 羅宗益 | 藥理學研究所 |
2005 | 370G 對於骨骼代謝之影響 Effects of 370G on the Bone Metabolism | Ming-Yueh Wu; 吳明岳 | 藥理學研究所 |
2007 | 6-[3-(dimethylamino)propylamino]-9-methoxy-11H-indeno[1,2-c]quinolin-11-one抑制血小板凝集作用機轉之探討 Antiplatelet mechanism of TCH-201, a synthetic 6-[3-(dimethylamino)propylamino]-9-methoxy-11H-indeno[1,2-c]quinolin-11-one | I-Chun Tsai; 蔡宜君 | 藥理學研究所 |
2005 | 8-Br-AMP於缺血-再灌流後腦損傷之保護作用 Protective effects of 8-Br-AMP on ischemia/reperfusion-induced brain injury | Hsien-Yu Hsiao; 蕭嫺毓 | 藥理學研究所 |
2014 | A83-01藉由調控Notch及Wnt訊息傳遞增加心臟前趨細胞促進心臟自我修復 A83-01 expanded cardiac progenitor cells via modulating Notch- and Wnt- signalings to facilitate cardiac self-repair | Wan-Hsuan Tsai; 蔡婉宣 | 藥理學研究所 |
2006 | AICAR和15dPGJ2在人類大腸癌細胞中誘導TRAIL和TNFα所引發的細胞毒性之訊息傳導路徑 Molecular mechanisms for AICAR and 15dPGJ2 sensitization of TRAIL– and TNFα–induced cytotoxicity in HCT116 cells | Rong-Ying Su; 蘇容瑩 | 藥理學研究所 |
2018 | AKT3在非小細胞肺癌EGFR-TKI抗藥性之研究 Role of AKT3 in EGFR-TKI Resistance of
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | Shih-Hsiang Huang; 黃士翔 | 藥理學研究所 |
2019 | Allopregnanolone及含α6次單元GABAA受體正向調節劑在小鼠憂鬱模式之研究 Effects of allopregnanolone and α6GABAA receptor PAMs in mouse models of depression | Yu-Chen Fu; 傅郁甄 | 藥理學研究所 |
2020 | AMPA受體拮抗劑Perampanel對於Dravet症候群動物模式之治療效果及抗癲癇機轉 The Therapeutic Effect and Antiepileptic Mechanism of AMPA Receptor Antagonist Perampanel in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome | Li Lin; 林立 | 藥理學研究所 |
2009 | AMPK在EMT扮演角色之探討 The Role of AMPK in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition | Chun-Wei Su; 蘇俊維 | 藥理學研究所 |
2007 | AMPK對於神經細胞於低氧及MPP+下引發之EPO的調控作用 Roles of AMP-activated protein kinase in the chemical hypoxia and MPP+–induced expression of EPO in neuroblastoma cells | Chia-Shi Chang; 張家僖 | 藥理學研究所 |
2005 | AMPK活化劑-AICAR對iNOS及COX-2基因表現的調節作用 AMPK-dependent and -independent action mechanisms of AICAR in the regulation of iNOS and COX-2 gene expressions | Chih-Lin Kuo; 郭智琳 | 藥理學研究所 |
2015 | AMPK訊息傳遞路徑在發炎反應中所扮演的角色 Roles of AMP-activated protein kinase signaling axis in inflammation | Mei-Ying Chang; 張美瑩 | 藥理學研究所 |
2012 | "AR42, QS-ZYX-1-61,及erolotinib和MPT0E028併用之抗腫瘤藥效與機制探討" Effects and action mechanisms of AR42, QS-ZYX-1-61, and combination of erlotinib-MPT0E028 in cancer cells | Mei-Chuan Chen; 陳美全 | 藥理學研究所 |
2008 | Baicalein, KS-5與YD-3對血管平滑肌及內皮細胞之生長調控作用及在血管再阻塞與血管新生之藥效評估 Effects of Baicalein, KS-5 and YD-3 on Growth Regulation in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Endothelial Cells, and Therapeutic Evaluation in Models of Restenosis and Angiogenesis | Chieh-Yu Peng; 彭婕妤 | 藥理學研究所 |
2019 | Blimp-1在角質形成細胞和癌細胞中的調節和細胞功能 Regulation and cellular functions of Blimp-1 in keratinocytes and cancer cells | Hyemin Lee; 李惠珉 | 藥理學研究所 |
2017 | BNTX用於治療全身性紅斑性狼瘡之研究 A study of BNTX in the treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus | Tsung-Chih Tseng; 曾琮智 | 藥理學研究所 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 363