Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 406
Publication Year | Title | Author(s) | Department |
2011 | 1,1-二氧化苯駢[1.3.2]二噻唑亞烷衍生物作為第二型環氧化酶
與第五型脂氧合酶雙效抑制劑之設計、合成與活性評估 Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of
Benzo[1.3.2]dithiazolium Ylide 1,1-Dioxide Derivatives as
Dual Cyclooxygenase-2/5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitors | Chen-Ming Tan; 譚誠明 | 藥學研究所 |
2007 | 1-苄基4-苯基喹唑啉酮衍生物作為磷酸二酯酶抑制劑之設計合成與生物活性評估 Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 1-Benzyl-4-phenyl-1H-quinazolin-2-one Derivatives as Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors | Shin-Yu Lai; 賴信羽 | 藥學研究所 |
2006 | 2-Phenyl-4-Quinolone在人類雄激素不依賴型前列腺癌細胞的抗癌作用機轉探討 Investigation of the Anti-Tumor Mechanism of 2-Phenyl-4-Quinolone in Human Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells | Ying-Cheng Chen; 陳依呈 | 藥學研究所 |
2015 | (2S)-Pterosin A和TM-1-1Ps在大鼠之體內代謝及藥物動力學研究及中藥方劑四逆散在迷你豬之體內代謝研究 Metabolism of (2S)-Pterosin A and Pharmacokinetic Study on TM-1-1Ps in Rat, and Metabolic Study on Sinisan, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription, in Miniature Pig | Yung-Ping Lee; 李泳平 | 藥學研究所 |
2007 | 3-芳香基亞甲基喹啉-2,4-雙酮類衍生物作為C型肝炎病毒核糖核酸聚合酶抑制劑之設計與合成 Design and Synthesis of 3-Arylmethylene-1H-quinoline-2,4-dione Derivatives as Potential Hepatitis C Virus RNA Polymerase Inhibitors | Bettie Der-Yuin Jea; 賈德韻 | 藥學研究所 |
2009 | AICD釋放對NMDA受體調節之ANKS1B轉位之影響 Effect of AICD Release on NMDAR-Mediated
Translocation of ANK1B | Chia-Fu Lin; 林家賦 | 藥學研究所 |
2011 | Akt抑制劑MK-2206可提升taxol和cisplatin對卵巢癌細胞的毒殺性 An Akt inhibitor MK-2206 enhances the cytotoxicity of taxol and cisplatin in ovarian cancer cells | Ying-Hsi Lin; 林映希 | 藥學研究所 |
2018 | Alda-1類似物之半合成、全合成及其對ALDH2之活性促進研究 Semi-synthesis, total synthesis and ALDH2 activating evaluations of Alda-1 analogs | 羅暐智; Wei-Chih Lo | 藥學研究所 |
2017 | ANKS1B與APP之間的交互作用與NMDA受器訊息傳遞之相關性研究 Correlation study of NMDA receptor signaling and the interaction between ANKS1B and APP | Fei-Yang Tzou; 鄒飛洋 | 藥學研究所 |
2006 | APP C端片段與flotillin-1間交互作用之研究 Investigation of the Interaction between APP-C-terminal-fragment and Flotillin-1 | Ting-Yu Chen; 陳亭妤 | 藥學研究所 |
2010 | APP在NMDA刺激所引起的ANKS1B進核現象中扮演角色之探討 Investigation on the role of APP in NMDA-mediated translocation of ANKS1B | Wei-Lun Lin; 林煒倫 | 藥學研究所 |
2012 | APP與Calpain在NMDA所誘導的ANKS1B入核所扮演之角色 Role of APP and calpain in NMDA-mediated ANKS1B nuclear translocation | Wen-Yan Chang; 張文彥 | 藥學研究所 |
2010 | APP與Flotillin-1之間的交互作用對APP processing的影響 Effects of the interaction between APP and Flotillin-1 on APP processing | Ting-Yi Liu; 劉亭儀 | 藥學研究所 |
2017 | Ascleposide對人類荷爾蒙不依賴型轉移性前列腺癌之抗癌機轉探討 Studies on Anticancer Mechanisms of Ascleposide against
Human Hormone-Refractory Metastatic Prostate Cancer | Ching-Ting Wang; 王敬婷 | 藥學研究所 |
2015 | A型G蛋白耦合受體之分子動力學模擬與其配體之功能預測 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of a Class A G Protein-Coupled Receptor and the Functional Type Prediction for Its Ligands | Yu-Hsuan Chen; 陳侑宣 | 藥學研究所 |
2014 | Benzamides之合成及其生物活性探討 Synthesis of Benzamides and Their Biological Activity | Tsung-Hsi Chen; 陳宗熙 | 藥學研究所 |
2007 | Benzenesulfonamidoindolinone衍生物J-3944對人類非小細胞肺癌細胞A549抗癌活性機轉研究 Mechanistic Studies of Benzenesulfonamidoindolinone Derivative J-3944 against Human Non-small Cell Lung Cancer A549 Cells | Ting-Rong Chern; 陳庭榕 | 藥學研究所 |
2007 | Boldine及Litebamine衍生物之製備與生物活性研究 Preparation and Bioactivity Study of Boldine and Litebamine Derivatives | Ching-Ting Lin; 林敬婷 | 藥學研究所 |
2019 | Boldine與Laurolitsine衍生物之製備與抑制黃嘌呤氧化酶活性之研究 Preparation and Anti-Xanthine Oxidase Activity of Derivatives of Boldine and Laurolitsine | Yu-Ping Jiang; 江宇評 | 藥學研究所 |
2015 | Collapsin response mediator protein-1與穿胞胜肽接合體之製備及其於肺腺癌細胞之胞內運輸研究 Preparation of collapsing response mediator protein-1 (CRMP-1) and cell-penetrating peptide conjugates and
study on its intracellular delivery in lung
adenocarcinoma cells | Jyun-Yi Wu; 吳駿誼 | 藥學研究所 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 1 to 20 of 406