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Showing results 1 to 20 of 418
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- j&uuml,rgen habermas,public sphere,communicative reason,discourse ethics,ideal speech situation,deliberative-democratic theory, 1
- j. dewey,epistemology,child-study,reflex arc,1895-1898, 1
- j. m. coetzee,slow man,old age,simone de beauvoir,the coming of age,regret,care,dependency, 1
- j. r. r. tolkien,the lord of the rings,fairies,(re-)enchantment,in-betweenness, 1
- j. y. interpretation no. 580,the 37.5% rent reduction act,property right,john rawls,the difference principle,resource,utility,and efficiency, 1
- j.m. coetzee,ethics,other,self,unrepresentable,levinas,derrida,blanchot,spivak, 1
- j/psi,etac,lambda,particle,belle,accelerator, 1
- ja,myc2,wrky26,wrky38,ora47,wounding,arabidopsis, 1
- jacanidae,breeding biology,infanticide,mating system,diurnal pattern, 1
- jacket substructure,fatigue damage,statistical uncertainty,monte carlo method,time domain analysis,offshore wind turbine, 1
- jacket-type offshore wind turbine,frequency-domain fatigue analysis,stress concentration factor,power spectral density,dirlik method,s-n curve,representative environmental condition, 1
- jackson tan,nan-chung young,naturalists robert swinhoe, joseph steere, and tadao kano,translator-reporter,reportage style,paratextuality,taiwan consciousness, 1
- jacobi polynomial,supersymmetry, 1
- jacobiasca formosana,oriental beauty tea,biology,mass rearing,release, 1
- jade artifact,tremolite,40ar/39ar,ams,tl,raman, 1
- jade mountain,jade jar,ruyi guan,gui-ju,xinjiang,the way of emperor, 1
- jag1,nsclc,metastasis,invasion,hspa2,squamous carcinoma, 1
- jag1,非小細胞肺癌,轉移能力,侵襲能力,hspa2,鱗狀上皮肺癌, 1
- jak,stat,dna binding,brine shrimp,artemia franciscana, 1
- jak-stat,tlr,hypomorphic,enu,antiviral,crosstalk,stat2, 1